I lost a book...from the libary.

Oct 23, 2007 16:46

I know. I know. Not much of a big deal. But it was Jackie and Toni's mom's libary card. And I got money and shit. But I'm just scared/worried/my tummeee has butterflys in it. /: (weird saying huh?) Anyways. I scared hella lot dude. So I'm just going to give them one book and then give them the money. Then after school I might wait with my sister for the after school program shit. When I'm there I'll be bored to effin' death. I would probaly just do my homework.

Oh yeah. The book is Shrek. Weird. And I haven't done this in a while. Her ya go. I think I got all of my friends exept for my sister&my cousin Dan-Dan who doesn't go on lj anymore.


shrek, banners, scared, jackie, libary, toni

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