
Oct 06, 2007 21:16

 Hehehe. Isn't the dinosaur cute. He's saying hi! *waves* I'm at Kaitlyn's house right now. In her new bedroom. It's so cool because she finally has a door now. Haha. Oh yeah. Guess what I'm going to be for Halloween?? 
I'm going to wear a witches hat,for a witch,a Lakers jersey,for a basketball player,sweat pants with dirt on it,for a hobo,angels wings,for an angel. So that's a combination of like 50 million costumes. Let's see. *counts on fingers* Okay five costumes.Okay. Hmmm...oh yeah on Friday I got a Spiderman baby book from taco stealer. Oh shit. Freakin Kaitlyn and Angel! They didn't share the Twix with me. GRRRRR!!! haha. Listening to Kaitlyn's worries. haha. She is thinking of savage thoughts. 
Kaitlyn:*sighs* I should have ran her over and say HE'S MINE!!
Me:haha. Kaitlyn your so savage.

kaitlyn, savage!!, nba, halloween, witch, hello

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