(no subject)

Apr 19, 2004 22:25

Everyone, Ted Nugent was just on TV. You gotta love that guy. He was speaking at the NRA convention. This guy had on a camo hat, and jeans with a suit jacket, and was waving around this huge gun (sorry, I couldn't place the make of it...I don't pay attention to those things, though I'm sure if my dad seen it he could have told me what it was). Anyway, during part of his speech, he was like, "You all can't call up Rush Limbaugh like I can, but perhaps I should give him a hotline. 1-800-NUMNUT." HAHAHAHAHAHA! He is great. And then he was talking about how he took in a a duffelbag of guns to show kids at school and talk about gun safety with the approval of the principal, teachers, and local law enforcement (he is a sheriff in his state). Not only did he target shoot in front of them, but he talked to them about the discipline of shooting as a sport and what not. The next day, the local gun shop owner called him saying how sales were up with kids that had their parents buy them guns so they could target shoot as a sport. Yay. I just can't get enough of the nuge. Website

Today was okay. My mom took Kurt with her when she took my dad to work so I could finish my homework cuz I had school today. I made her take the cell phone "just in case". Really, I was worrying the whole time something horrible was going to happen. There was a threat at the high school today for tomorrow, so I guess there's gonna be a shitload of cops and dogs and metal detectors there greating kiddos there tomorrow. That's really fucking sad that they have to do that too because kids are too fucking stupid to get along with each other. In the real world, you just can't go shooting up people because you don't like them. It doesn't work that way. Then there was some shooting in Hornerstown today while the elementary school was letting out. Which is real fucking smart. I'm sorry, but that really fucking pisses me off. How scared do you think those kids were? I'm glad I live where I do and I don't have to put up with that shit. The last  time I heard a gun shot was when I was at Ali's house. I looked at Joel and said something about someone being dead. Who knows, I was half asleep.

[/end rant]
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