Feb 24, 2005 03:59
I havent posted i na long time, mostly because most of the things I need to get off my chest needed to be thoughtfully expressed so my true meaning is expressed. but once again as almost anyone who has ever read my journal before can testify to that I am going to complain about people. Yeah, complain. After all if people didn't complain there would be so much less conversation, I think more than half of all conversations are someone complainin. Anyway. Lets kick it off with a pretty populrar subject ok? People are drama queens. All of us, you, me, all of us, and i get irritated when people think their not. Maybe not all the time, but whenever anyone gets upset they just switch into drama queen mode, and theres nothin we can really do about it so why do we give so many people so much shit for it? because some people do it way more than other people and because they do it for ridiculous reasons sometimes? of course. But its all ridiculous in one way or the other right? or to someone? But hey who cares what other people think right? Everyone does dont give me that. Not all people sure, but everyone cares what someone thinks of them, and if its only one person that would be impressive. And ya know first people complain, and i thinks thats not really a problem, I think its when people blow things out of proportion when things get out of hand and thats when people need told to suck it up. And like I said, everyone does this, chalk another flaw up to human nature. And people are so untrusting. And not without good reason, I'll give us that. People are not trustworthy, but I also think that people need a lot of lessons in the kidns of things people lie about, cause I've heard people not beleive siblings or good friends about htings that they wouldnt lie about, I dont think. And they would think so too I think if they could just step back and ask why would they lie about that? what benefit to them is there? usually none. people are involuntarily honset much mroe than they intend and much more than people realize. I've heard countless people say that people create a lot of there own problems and this can be very true, bt uI dont think it is most of the time. I think its the same as the truth, not many people go out of their way to make other people unhappy, its usually either involuntary or necessary for that person to look out for themselves (also what all people do), thats when people start to blow things out of proportion or refuse to look at the other side of things. Next time you do something or say something, anything ask yourself who could this get back to? cause almost everything is offensive to someone, and then their gonna give you shit for it. But I'm not sayin we should keep our mouths shut, quite the contrary, I think people should speak there minds more, and that other people should just take it with a grain of fuckin salt, cause thats what you have to do with what other people do/say, or ask what the person meant or think of themselves in that persons position. It is important to kow that other people effect you only as much as you let them most of the time, but yes, of coures people can just fuck you up, not all disturbances of ones daily routine are just things your mind creates, thats ridiculous to think. People are not meant to be taken as seriously as most people take them I think. People are ridiculous, so are you, so why do you take them so seriously? Same reason you take them so seriously. Basically we're bored. Without drama, life would be much less entertaining. So next time you get mad cause someone isnt takin you seriously (unless in like, you know REALLY serious situations) ask yourslef, what do you care? If you cant properly communicate yourself to someone else, you think its your fault and you get pissed about it? That makes no sense to me, but hey who am I to tell other people about tempers? About the same,if you ask me, as people gettin 'so sick and tired' of things that are never going to stop happening throughout their entire lives. Learn to deal with it. work around it, whatever, but you cant let yourself get upset about it, or let it piss you off, or however you want to see it, cause your gonna kill yourself, tiny tiny peices at a time. (and dont say anyting like 'well maybe thats what i want' your being DRAMATIC! hahahah, see thought I was rambling didnt you?) One thing I let ya know about is that if you know something and are as smart as a lot of peopel say they are, like i said earlier, dont hold back, say what you got to say, otherwise you might as well not know shit, whatever excuse you wanna give me, your afraid of something. Happens to me too, everyone does (human nature flaw #?? i lost track) I've also heard a lot of people say stuff like peopel arent worth it, if people arent worth it, what is? Some people, certain, specific people, yeah I get that, but how do you know there arent more of those people than you know of? you dont. neither do I though, dont feel bad. People are too untrusting to try and find out, or too afraid. And speakin of fear, whats so damn wrong with bein afraid? I dont think anything, if your not afraid of anything you must lead a boring ass life. I also think people's minds are too black and white, thinking theres no happy medium, like there are only weak and strong or smart and dumb, I am of the firm beleif that this is not true, there are only people who either do or do not live up to their potential, but those who completely dont or compeltely do are few and far between, everyone is in the middle somewhere. Shit, I'm late for work.