In Which You Assist Me In Considering Ill-Advised Hair Styles

Apr 29, 2009 02:04

Advice on Ill-Advised Hair

I am getting a haircut. As my real-time friends have decided to be twatlickers about the fact that I am apparently a lady and all of these are apparently gentlemen, I am turning to the interwebs for advice. You lot aren’t as hung up on things like gender-specific haircuts because you aren’t IDIOTS.

The situation- In three weeks I am moving to a place where it is frequently over 90 degrees for days on end. I despise having hair below the nape of my neck but require longer bangs in front. I will hopefully be working at a museum so anything must be able to be semi-professional. My current hair is boring as balls and I am sick of it.

Opinions on whether these are SPECTACULARLY ill-advised or just slightly or other suggestions are MOST WELCOME.

Here is my current hair:

Here are a number of styles I am considering getting (and by that I mean here are a couple different people with similar styles in different angles):

PLZ NOTE- these first are of someone ABOUT WHOSE BAND FIC SHOULD BE WRITTEN. Actually that holds for the next attractive man, too. Clearly I covet the hairstyles of men I would like to see naked.

Note- I actually don't think these are ill-advised, I think they're excellent. Ill-advised is my mother's term for my hairstyle choices.

And then Gerard and Bert got their crap together and made up and posted a sex tape.

ill-advised hair, davey havok, shameless self-involvement, kill hannah

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