Reality Desynchronized

May 05, 2005 00:41 roomate has been writing shit about me in his livejournal (and xanga). I'm not sure if he knows i'm reading it, but I was really dissappointed to find any remarks made about me to all be very unflattering. The last one complains about how much of my free time i've been spending playing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. It wouldn't be so bad if it was a simple criticism, I can take criticism and even myself feel bad about all the time i've wasted playing that thing...but what I don't really like is the overembellishment that went into it...the thing i think made the post untrue and unfair. I'll just copy and repost it.

Tue, May. 3rd, 2005, 10:19 am
My roommate has been playing GTA:SA since 9pm last night.
For nearly 13 hours he has played, yet he complains about having only a waitering and pool cleaning job.

And theres some graphic of some stick figure ripping another stick figure's stomach out and putting it on his head. If you want to see yourself search for "steelcoat" in lj. I may be nitpicking or seemingly doing so at this point but I have never played GTA:SA for 13 hours straight ever...i think the most I could do was 3...usually i do 2 hour sittings...yeah i've been playing a lot recently...but it still doesn't merit the overembellishment. Yeah, i do gripe about the Concordia job, not the pool job though, and he misrepresented me as merely a waiter when i'm the head partender of the club, meaning i'm in charge of the damn thing. Yeah, we all know I could be doing something more meaningful.

Anyway this is all so disheartening since I've been doing everything to be really nice to the guy and create a pleasant and positive atmosphere around the apartment. I can't say that he hasn't been nice to me directly, there are of course those moments when I do feel he's annoyed with me...not that I can always tell why...but i sense it at times. It just reminds me of the part in Goodfella's where the guy explains that mafia hits don't happen like in the movies with guns blazing and anger clearly expressed, no...a hit happens with the guy smiling in your face like he's your best friend. It makes me wonder what the fuck i'm doing here, if this guy still resents me from things in the past. Will I always be the guy on the other side of the line that was drawn when me and my ex from 5 years ago broke up?


The truth of this whole matter is that I overreacted to what I discovered on Dorian's LJ and Xanga because I missed the point and at that juncture in time I lacked sufficient information as to wether he saw me being his roomate as a positive new dvelopment or a big mistake. The next 2 or 3 days and pretty much my whole experience living here has proved that I jumped the gun a bit without knowing the whole story. I could have simply deleted this post when I figured it was a gross miscalculation...but I wanted it to serve as a reminder to myself and others of how I tend to overreact without sometimes getting a sense of the bigger picture.

I have a few other points to make, till then i've gone out bike riding.
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