Ах... Ностальгия. Аня поймет. На последних кадрах появится замечательная дама, преподаватель летней школы RSCDS у которой нам (Анна, Надежда и я) выпала честь учиться. Вот что значит смотреть видео от корки до корки.
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SCHIEHALLION (M-S64+R64) Sq.Set H Thurston
Strathspey: -
1-16 All dance Chorus: - Grand Chain 1/2 way, set HS, Grand Chain 1/2 way & set HS & Men end BtoB in the middle facing partners
17-24 Men set (rocking step) as Ladies petronella turn & set, petronella turn & set to move 1/2 way round set
25-32 Ladies change pl RH with opp Man, Ladies dance LH across 1/2 way & turn partners RH
33-48 Repeat bars 1-16 (Chorus)
49-56 All dance RH across 1/2 way (Men on outside), all change places with prtnrs advancing 1place & change places again advancing 1 more pl
57-64 All repeat bars 49-56 back to places
Reel: -
1-16 All dance Chorus: - Grand Chain 1/2 way, turn partner with R arms twice, Grand Chain 1/2 way & turn partner R arms twice
17-32 1s+3s set advancing, turn opposite dancer & circle 4H round to left, 2s+4s repeat
33-48 Repeat bars 1-16 (Chorus)
49-64 All dance Schiehallion Reels of 8 (Men start by crossing to the right, Ladies cast & cross (following partner))