Oct 16, 2006 14:40
A little over three hours until my midterm - which I actually studied for...
No work ethic today...
My weekend:
Saturday - Step class and weight training class at the gym. Met up with the college roommates for a trip to the Botanical Gardens to see the Chihully exhibit, which was absolutely amazing (Did you know Chihully has an eye patch? Even if it wasn't completely amazing I'd have a hard time disliking art done by someone with an eye patch...). Then off to an old haunt for margaritas and mexican food, and finally a trip to Brooklyn for a party complete with karaoke and dancing. Crashed at Kari's place since by the time we got back to her place it was 3AM...
Sunday - Drove home. Studied for midterm. Napped unintentionally while reading textbook.