Jan 15, 2003 17:09
You're not gonna believe this...
I just hooked my boss up with the guy's that I used to work with. I'm sure you remember Kelly. When I first met you I worked at the warehouse refurbishing computers... I was making -GOOD- money back then. And I worked with Doug and White Justin... Well my boss needs a bunch of computers. And why bother selling off a bunch of stuff unless I'm gonna get something in return, right? So basically what I did was make sure that I got 10% off of the top... And my boss was so impressed with the treatment that Doug was giving him. That he was thinking about buying -ALOT- of computers from him.
Lets just say like... It would be a sale somewhere in the neighborhood of $10,000 for starters! And guess what!? I get a 40% spliff if all goes well and we buy in bulk. Because I'll be working with Doug ro fund the warehouse side of the deal. I could easily turn $200 into $5,000!!!!
This is indeed a changed day.
I'm going out with Molly again on Friday...I dunno. She's a really sweet girl. I figure why not, eh? I don't know if she's sided with the ninja's or not... I may have to seduce her to get her to devulge that information.
One thing is for certain. Once I get the money from funding this deal (Either the 10% or the 40%) I'll have enough money to hire samurai... And we'll see how those ninja's like that!