Nov 15, 2006 17:56
Well, since Der-der tagged me and all...
Each player of this game starts off with ten weird things or habits or little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged must write a blog of their own ten weird things or habbits or little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you must choose six people to be tagged and list their names. No tagbacks.
1. Since I don't wash my hair every day, I wear a showercap in the shower. This embarrasses me to no end.
2. When I brush my teeth, I have a very set system: I put the toothpaste on the toothbrush and then, using my tongue, push the toothpaste in between the bristles with my tongue so that the water doesn't wash it off into the sink. I'm told this is a very strange habit. I don't know where I got it from.
3. Both standing and sitting, I've found that my most comfortable position is with my legs crossed. So, when I stand or sit on the ground, I tend to cross my legs. It's a silly way to stand.
4. I get infuriated when people mess up my sheets and comforter right after I've just made my bed. Like, INFURIATED.
5. I can get absorbed in ANYTHING on television.
6. Having wet hair is one of my favorite things in the world. It makes me feel beautiful and free.
7. I just recently gained the ability to snap with my left hand. Before I could only do it with my right.
8. I think if something feels good and you don't let yourself do it, you have only yourself to blame for your unhappiness.
9. I don't believe in regret, but there are still some things I wish I hadn't done. Get your mind around THAT.
10. When people write on my notes in pencil, all I can think about all day is getting back to my room so I can erase it. When they write in pen, it gives me a dull, sick feeling that comes back every time I see the page, no matter how far in the future.
I tag...Joel, Cait, Ivana, Sarah Marshall, Steven, and dad (you can add it as a comment on here if you decide to do it -- I know you don't have an account).