Jun 18, 2008 01:16
The other night, on my way home, I was pulled over by a cop. Sharla and I were talking intently when the next thing I noticed were blue and red lights. I rolled the window down and looked at the police officer. What I remember of the conversation is as follows:
Me: *hands cop my driver's license*
Cop: Where are you coming from?
Me: Just came from my friend's house, we were dropping people off. What is the problem, officer?
Cop: You didn't turn on your blinkers when you switched lanes. *Noticed Sharla sitting in the back seat* Is she okay? How much have you had to drink today?
Me (and Sharla): We didn't drink at all. (Sharla says that she's just really tired, you can even test us!)
Cop: When was the last time you had something to drink?
Me: Uh... two days ago.
Cop: *hands me back my driver's license* Be careful next time.
Then he walked away.
HOLY CRAP! That has never happened to me before!!! All I could think of is the rush. Thank god I really had nothing to drink. I will use this example to always consider having a DD around. *guilty*