I just learned that PACE will cut Rute 699, leaving Palatine without bus service and cutting a pretty damn convenient connection to Harper College, Schaumburg and Elk Grove.
I used this route since 2004. As somebody who can't drive, having this route was pretty damn important. Without it, I wouldn't have been able to go to Harper College, which means that I wouldn't have met
tweelore and wouldn't have been able to earn enough credits to transfer to UIC. I used it to get my state IDs, to do some shopping, to reach potential job sites and to transfer to other buses to get to other suburbs and even the city of Chicago (it took longer than Metra, but it was $2.00 vs Metra's $4.75, so yes, I used it when I had time or inclination). For better or for worse, it affected my life in many ways.
My first reaction, I admit, was to shout a hearty FUCK YOU at PACE and whoever the toss decided it might be a good idea to get rid of a pretty damn useful route. I am better now, and I am sure I'll get over it in time. The possibility that the route will be eliminated has been floated since fall, so it's not like I didn't have time to prepare myself for that possibility. and I am glad that Harper isn't losing all transit connections (when the discussion of cuts originally came up, PACE was going to eliminate both Harper-bound routes). And, when it comes right down to it, I don't particularly need it right now. And at least Palatine still has Metra. And yes, when it comes to cuts, other suburbs have fared worse.
It wasn't always convinient, and it did have it's drawbacks, but Route 699 was nice for what it was. And I met some cool people there. Seriously. Most of the bus drivers who worked on that route were pretty cool. Ditto many regular passengers. So, to everybody who ever rode Route 699 and the drivers who kept this route running no matter what nature, technology and road construction threw at them - I wish you all well, and I thank you for everything. And, while it's pretty unlikely to happen, I do hope to see the route restored in some shape or form.... preferably sooner rather than later.