Randi's birthday was three days ago at this point, but I couldn't not to wish her a Happy Birthday this year, and if it got any more belated...
What is to even say in this pandemic year of hours, and all the ways it made your already stressful life all the more stressful. I do hope you were able to celebrate your birthday in some fashion with Don and your daughters. And, given that it seems like we got a few pandemic months, I first and foremost wish you.... not even patience. Endurance. And plenty of small moments of happiness. Know that you got plenty of people rooting for you and worried about you, and not just in New York and in Florida. Please never hesitate to reach out.
I will admit that it gives me some measure of comfort that, at least as of this writing, positivity rates in New York are lower than Illinois, which was decisively the other way around back in spring.
Take care of yourself
In lieu of a birthday card, a photo from the last time I was in Eastern time zone. I was so sorely tempted to call you just to mention that fact, but
I was pressed for time.