You can get card with your statistics
Which, honestly, wasn't that bad. But I can't help but think of all the things I never got around to posting about. Some things that are now officially out of date. Some aren't technically... But, at this point, I'm wondering if I should back-date them to around the time I meant to post them, just so some months wouldn't look so barren and it would make more sense, or keep the "present" dates so that the next month or two will have more entries. Just a top of my head, I would have liked to have written about:
- What I did for Open House Chicago 2018 without my mom
- The tragically short history of East Side Creative Writing Group
- My Black Friday Metra trip to Metra's newest station (which, in spite of my best plans, wound up barely involving trains)
- How I wound up having to write an entire prologue for Chasing New Dawn from scratch in less than two weeks
- Related to above - thoughts on world building in Urbis Arcana vs Chasing New Dawn.
- Some book reviews
- A post about writing groups I'm part of
- Some articles I meant to post full versions of
- Reactions to some Tribune Publishing-related development
- How leaving Niles Bugle worked out for me (short version - a very mixed bag)
- Just what exactly happened during the terribly organized Russian veterans present delivery thing
Like I said - a lot.
I think I will probably wind up doing a bit of Column A, a bit of Column B. Because there are some things that, if I don't post them in some shape or form, it will just keep bugging me, like an itch I can't scratch.
In any case.... Happy New Year, Ladies and Gentlefolks. С Новым Годом и с Новым Счастьем, Господамы и Товарищи. Here's to another year of Livejournaling. Hopefully, more productive Livejournaling.