Happy Birthday!

Oct 20, 2018 13:47

Happy Birthday to cosmicriver!

I feel like a broken record, but I still hope that this year will be easier on you than the past year. Especially when it comes to unexpected expenses. I wish you more free time, good concerts and, honestly, a better job. Which is easier said than done, I know (believe me, I know), but I worry about the mental toll it has been taking on you.

All I'm saying it, should the opportunity arise...

But I don't want to end this post on a depressing note. I hope that you'll have fun today, and that you get some nice presents, whether they are presents you want or presents that you didn't expect, but which were nice anyway.

In lieu of a birthday card... I'm not sure what this woman was cosplaying as, but it was a pretty awesome costume.

mof stuff, открытки, birthdays

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