Well, it's that time again, ladies and gentlefolks. Tallgrass Writers Guild's monthly open mic is on Sunday, March 25. As always, it's going to be held at Sulzer Regional Library (4455 N Lincoln Ave, Chicago, IL 60625), between 2:00 PM and 4:30 PM. And, as before, I am going to be reading at it. I encourage everybody reading this to come read your own work, or at least come and listen to me and other writers.
To answer a few questions that came up the last few times I tried to invite people. The Open Mic is basically made up of two parts. The first part runs between 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM or so, and that's when the featured reader (this time, Susan Zamarow is going to be reading passages from her darkly funny debut novel Dream Job (I know it's darkly funny because she read parts of it at some of the previous open mics)). Then, we break for tea and cookies for about 5-10 minutes, and then the Open Mic itself starts. The order is on first-come, first-sign-up basis, so if you're wondering when exactly I will be performing - there's no way to know until I actually sign up.
If you are thinking about performing - each person gets no more than six minutes, though they may be more flexible if we're really short on readers. So long as it you fit within that time slot (give or take about a minute), you can read one piece or as many pieces as you want. It can be poetry, fiction, non-fiction, you can even sing a song (it's rare, but it has been known to happen). And, so long as you don't get too gross or hateful, they're pretty open about subject matter.
If you are wondering about parking... Well, if you follow me on any social media for any decent length on time, you know that I don't drive, so I'm the wrong person to ask. Brown Line's Western 'L' station is within walking distance, and so are Lawrence and Montrose CTA buses, and what's left of Route 11.
Like I said, it's a monthly event, so if you can't make it to this one, the open mics usually take place on fourth Sunday of the month, unless it's a shorter month and/or it falls on a holiday week. The next two Open Mics are taking place on April 22 and May 27. I'm not sure if I'll be attending those two, but I encourage you to come either way - especially if you want to perform.
As before, I'm inviting everyone reading this on all of the social media platforms I posted on, including any LJers/Dreamwidthers who are in Chicago or Chicago-adjecent. That includes
kaffyr (if you're feeling well enough, of course),
elka78 and others.
Hope to see you... if not at this one, then at least at one of the future ones.
Again, the address is 4455 N Lincoln Ave, Chicago, IL 60625