Come hear me read at Tallgrass Writers Guild Open Mic on January 28, at 3:00 PM

Jan 22, 2018 21:50

You know how, back in December, I wrote about how I was going to attend an Open Mic at Chicago's Sulzer library? Well, they have another open mic this Sunday, at 2:00 PM. The actual open mic portion doesn't start until around 3:00 PM. So if you live in Chicago area, I encourage you to come. Especially if you have your own work you might want to share. As I mentioned last time, the audience be fairly open-minded and supportive, and, so long as it's under 6 minutes, the organizers are pretty flexible about what kind of stuff you can read. Poetry, fiction, non-fiction - you name it.

I already invited all the people that I could think to invite on Facebook, so this is mostly for people who follow me on Twitter, as well as my mom, ta_g, kaffyr and any Chicagoans who may have found me from my mom's LJ.

The Open Mic is going to be held at Sulzer Regional Library (4455 N Lincoln Ave, Chicago, IL 60625), between 2:00 PM and 4:30 PM.

self-promotion, writing, personal, chicago

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