Happy Birthday,
I tried several versions of this post, but in the end, I decided that, as has often been the case, I'm overthinking things. So instead, I will simply say that I hope that I hope that you got all of the presents you wished for, and some of the presents you didn't know you wanted, but you were glad to have. I hope that the next year of your life will have more joy than stress, and more fulfilling friendships, and other things that end with "ship(s)."
You are a lovely, intelligent, passionate and compassionate woman. You challenge me, and constantly show me that it isn't wise to underestimate you. Truth may be painful sometimes, but in the end, I prefer truth to evasion and deception, and I always admire sincere commitment to principles (so long as said principles don't cost harm to other people). You are always welcome to talk with me, and argue with me, any time. And, whatever may happen over he next twelve months, I hope that I will still feel, as I do now, that I'm glad I had a chance to get to know you, and that I hope to get to know you better in months and years to come.
In lieu of a birthday card, here's cover of the Russian version of Priscilla's Song
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