How to read my friends-locked entries without getting an LJ account
May 31, 2016 23:01
When I post things on Livejournal that I may not necessarily want to share with everyone. And the great thing about LJ is that you can friends-lock your entry, so that people you have friended can see it. You can even customize friends-locked levels, so that only certain groups of friends may be able to read certain posts.
But when the people you trust enough to share things with either never had LJ accounts to begin with or don't particularly feel like digging up LJ accounts they haven't used in years, that becomes a problem. It's why many posts I would have kept under friends lock 6 years ago wind up posted publicly. But sometimes, I kind of have to put things under friends lock [note]Let's just say having an LJ-famous mom can be a double-edged sword, and there are times when it's easier to just friends-lock things, even if just temporarily - but I still want to share them with people I trust.
It's something that I've wrestled with for a while - but I think that, a few months ago, I figured out how to make this work.
You can log in to your Livejournal using your Facebook and Twitter account. Doing that automatically creates a profile, which you can then use to friend me. Once you do it, let me know, and I should be able to friend you back.
(It took me a bit to figure out how to friend back a profile, but figure it out I did. The only drawback is that it might take time before the friending kicks in, but once it does - so long as you are logged in using your Facebook/Twitter account, you should be able to see the friends-locked posts).
If you don't want to go through all this trouble - or you just don't care about what I post under friends-lock - feel free to ignore this. But I just wanted to let you know that the option is there.