How NOT to get people to pay for your webcomic

Mar 16, 2009 19:10

Brian Mowrey wants you to pay for the privilege of reading his webcomic. And he hopes to persuade you by being a condescending asshole with inflated sense of entitlement. He thinks that he is the first writer to attempt a "concise," finite, graphic-novel-like story. He also seems to think he's the first webcomic creator to offer paid subscriptions. And, as if that wasn't enough, he takes cheap shots at Youtube and pines of the Golden Age of Television (the early 50s).

To be fair, if the sample I've seen is any indication, it's not that bad. It's just not as extraordinary as he makes it out to be. And I refuse to believe that something of this quality takes ten hours to produce.

wankery, webcomics, interesting misc

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