Muslim valley girl, Hatsune Miku, an 'L' station spider and a Pink Ranger

Aug 07, 2015 23:09

Like I said in my previous post, today, i went down to Hyde Park to the South Side Weekly Lit Issue release party. There will be a separate post about how that went sometime tomorrow. But for now, i wanted to mention a few things that caught my eye on the way there (and back)

In my neighborhood, Muslim women are not exactly a rare sight. Whether they're wearing something traditional, something more generally conservative or something very modern and fashionable (yet still skin-covering), women in headscarves don't really catch my attention for more than a few seconds.

As I walked toward Millennium Station to catch a train to Hyde Park, I saw two girls talking. One of them happened to be wearing a headscarf. in the Loop, the hodgepodge of tourists from all over the planet, that would normally draw even less attention.

But it's not every day that I hear a girl in a headscarf gushing about Taylor Swift while sounding like a stereotypical valley girl.

As I took the Brown Line back home, I realized that a real-life Hatsune Miku was stilling on the other side of the train car.

I'm serious - Asian girl whose hair is that exact same shade of light blue, wearing lots of black, including a skirt.

We both get off the train at Belmont. As we waited by the door, I noticed that she had a tattoo of an eastern dragon running down her right arm.

As I waited for the Red Line train at Belmont, i realized that there was web stretching above my head. And there was a pretty large spider in the middle of it. People stood on the platform, looking ahead, not noticing the web centimeters from their heads.

The spider stayed in the middle of the web, not moving at all.

As I got on the Red Line train, I noticed three young women standing in the aisle. Just perfectly ordinary girls around college age or a bit older, chatting about guys and roommates.

one of them was wearing a Pink Ranger top. As in, a top patterned after the Pink Power Ranger uniform, from the original Mighty Morphing Power Rangers. Kind of like the top patterned after Rogue's classic costume phoenix_anew wore to C2E2 2014.

Except, as far as I know, there's no comic book convention of any kind in Chicago. Or any kind of geeky event. As far as i could tell, the girl just decided to wear a Pink Ranger top just because.

More power to her, I guess.

commuter tales, geek stuff, chicago l, chicago life, chicago loop, culture, chicago north side, chicago

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