Boris Yefimov, one of the greatest Russian political cartoonists,
died today.
On one hand, I am sad to see him go. His work was iconic. I can say with reasonable certainty that every Russian has been his work at some point in their lives - even if they didn't know him by name. And while you may not agree with the messages in some of his work, you can't help but admire the craftsmanship. He will be missed.
On the other hand, he lived to be 108. That's a century and eight years. He actually remembers the Russian Empire. And even in the final months of his life, he never stopped working, and his skills never faltered. He had a great life, and I can't help but be happy for that.
So thank you, Boris Yefimovich, for everything you've done for our country and the many peoples that inhabit it. You are an inspiration to us all.
Rest in peace.