Police: ‘Multiple’ people stabbed on Amtrak train from Chicago

Dec 05, 2014 21:00

Crime isn't much of an issue on Amtrak. Passengers get warned about leaving personal belongings unattended, and leaving electronics in the open. The public company does have its own police force. But for the most part, Amtrak makes it into the news because of accident and delays far more often than crime.

For the most part.

The Chicago Sun-Times is reporting that "multiple people" were stabbed on an Amtrak train. The article doesn't say which one, but going by Amtrak schedule, my best guess would be Blue Water, which runs between Chicago and Port Huron. The stabbing occurred while the train was near the city of Niles. Nobody seems to have any idea why this happened, but there are no fatalities, and local police have arrested the suspect. The victims have been taken to hospital for treatment.

Because we live in the age of social media (and smartphones) we actually have a witness account. Of sorts

Crazy world we live in. Some man just stabbed 4 people one car away from me on the train pic.twitter.com/DVTdiVJ5w4
- Chris Maynard (@Chris__Maynard) December 6, 2014

Here are the photos in a slightly larger size

By the looks of his timeline, Chris Maynard is currently busy fielding interview requests from a whole bunch of news outlets.

I checked Twitter, and there's another witness.

Multiple standings in #niles Michigan #amtrak one victim was a conductor. Sad sad stuff pic.twitter.com/o4sN0F6MQE
- Gerald Stewart (@stewartgerald) December 6, 2014

The photo from his tweet, in more detail:

More photos from WSBT, the CBS affiliate from the nearby(ish) South Bend, Indiana.

Now, does this make me feel less safe to travel on Amtrak? Not really. As I said, incidents like this are rare.

But that doesn't make them any less shocking - or tragic - when they do happen.

links, public transit, crime, amtrak, news

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