George R. R. Martin talks about his work, fandom and the music that inspires him

Oct 15, 2014 13:49

Late last month, grrm got interviewed on 89 Chapters, a Pakistani radio show about books hosted by Mahvesh Murad. While the show covers a lot of ground familiar to George R.R. Martin's fans, it touches on some new and interesting stuff, such as his post A Song of Ice and Fire plans, his attitudes toward fandom, his feelings about wars (and perceptions thereof) and dealing with more fame than he ever expected to earn.

But what makes this episode especially interesting is that Murad asked Martin to pick a couple of songs to play on the show in between interview segments. Martin talked about how each song influenced him and some of the stories they inspired. Which, personally, I find fascinating. As a writer, music definitely plays a role in my work. When I write at home, I tend to put on some trance streaming radio station, or a playlist of songs. I find that it helps. And when I write in a public place, especially if it's at a Barnes & Noble or a Starbucks, I find some of the songs creeping into my consistence. So it's interesting to hear Martin talk about something similar.

Now, the version of the interview available online cuts out all the songs. Thankfully, Murad put together a playlist of Martin's picks - which I embedded below. So, if you want to get the sense of what the interview originally sounded like, you can listen to the recording, pause it whenever Murat says she'll play a song, play the track, pause the player and resume the interview.

Have fun :)

creative process, geek stuff, writing, radio, music, literature

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