"You people and your quaint little categories."

Apr 02, 2009 21:22

Every time I here someone talk about "gay" marriage, I cringe inside. Not everyone who marries a person of the same gender is gay.

Human culture is heteronormative. Almost every act is about perpetuating the species. Historically and in foreign cultures, homosexual acts have been seen as normal among youth, but were abandoned in adulthood in favor of procreation. That sounds like the suppression of  bisexual urges to me.

Now, I am bi and I've thought a lot about sexuality. I didn't come to terms with my sexuality until my twenties. Which says a lot considering in this day and age when 13 year old's are coming out of the closet with conviction. I think that the world in general is too fixated on the gay/straight paradigm. Most people seem to think that you're one or the other. Like sexuality is a light switch. It is either on or off. I think sexuality is more like a shower. Turn the handle one way and you get hot. Turn it the other way and you get cold. Most people would be some were in the middle. Some people insist that bisexuals are either deluding themselves or copping out from having to choose a side. I am primarily attracted to men and for some years I thought that I must be gay and was just deluding myself, but my attraction for women would surface and confuse me more. I came to realize that I am bi and I rate between a 4 and a 5 on the Kinsey scale. Here is a great quote from the man himself.

"Males do not represent two discrete populations, heterosexual and homosexual. The world is not to be divided into sheep and goats. It is a fundamental of taxonomy that nature rarely deals with discrete categories... The living world is a continuum in each and every one of its aspects." -- Alfred Kinsey

Kinsey original study was only in male sexuality, but I think we can all agree this applies to both genders.

Some current researchers suggest that the biological component that attracts men to men and women to women is the same component  that attracts women to men and  men to women respectively. That would mean ironically, "curing" homosexuality would mean eliminating human sexuality as a whole and probably weakening the race as a whole.

Now research has shown consistently that homosexuality have always made up about 10% of the population. Would it not be a reasonable theory in accordance with the previous theory that heterosexuals only make up 10% of the population as well. That would mean the remaining population would fall somewhere in between.

It is just a thought.


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