heyy...today was the last day of midterms...i like it when we have half days and only 2 periods..lol..cant wait till finals then..lol...after i got home i was cleaning and then i was really bored so i looked for a new desktop picture...i think it is so cute now!...on saturday i went to erins house early and we were setting up for her party..The we went to her house and picked up keith and went to decorate...durring the party i went up to keith and i was like ewww! keith smell this cake it is so nasty...and he went to go smell it and i slammed it in his face and then we went to go get me with it and he got erin...lol..n e ways...erin asked me if i liked this kid and i said yeah...and i thought he liked me a little..and then the next day he is going back out with his ex and she is immature...and i was so UGHHH...NVM..i knew it..its not like thigs are gonna change for me..it never has..and obviously...it never will!...im gonna go now!...
xo x ox -cass