1. Pick a character, pairing, or fandom you like.
2. Put iTunes or equivalent media player on random.
3. For each song that plays, write something related to the theme you picked inspired by the song. You have only the time frame of the song: no planning beforehand: you start when it starts, and no lingering afterward; once the song is over, you stop writing. (No fair skipping songs either; you have to take what comes by chance!)
4. Do 5 of these, then post.
I choose.. Buffy the Vampire Slayer!!
Bring Me to Life- Evanescence
Buffy sat alone, staring out her bedroom window and into the dark night. The drizzle of rain matched her mood; gloomy, but too lethargic to work itself into a full storm. She felt so numb. Sure, she was The Slayer. She killed vampires, demons, and all those other bad guys.. she saved the world. But she was an empty shell; a killing machine. She couldn't even be with her one true love - and she couldn't find another love in some average joe who knew nothing about her powers. She couldn't burden someone else with that knowledge.
She'd just been going through the motions, putting on her happy face for the sake of her sister and parents.
And Spike.. well, Spike had really made her feel alive.
But it wasn't real. He wasn't Angel, and she wasn't Dru.
The Academy Is - Classifieds
"He's got those honest eyes - he'll keep you warm at night?" Giles quirked an eyebrow at the group of miscreants around him as he read. "I wasn't aware that my eyes portrayed truthfullness, or that I was comparable to a hot water bottle." He smirked, then ducked out of the group to refill his teacup.
"See!" Willow pointed and grinned, "There's that crooked smile!"
Giles rolled his eyes. "I still don't see where you're getting all this nonsense. Honestly. 'He's got a decent voice, he writes good story lines?'"
Xander stepped into the conversation, puffing out his chest in a knowing manner. "Somebody likes to sing in coffee joints and try to keep it from his younger friends in hopes that they won't someday use it against him," he said with a broad smile. "Said friends are very sneaky and clever, and always find out."
"And crave mochas," Buffy added with a nod.
Giles shook his head. "Bloody coffee. Always ruining my life."
"Now, don't start it with that British melodrama-" Xander started...
"How is submitting you into an online dating service ruining your life?" Buffy lectured. "Come on!"
"Yeah, you need something to do other than books," Xander said. He sighed at the looks on his friends' faces. "Didn't think that one through..."
"We were just worried about you," Willow said logically. Xander looked relieved. "I mean, you're always researching, and training people, and getting turned into big scary demons..." she trailed off.
"That doesn't leave much time for dating," Buffy finished.
The Cure - Disintegration
Giles sat in his favourite armchair, swirling a goblet of liquid that would most likely get him a reprimand from any of his comrades. Some of his old albums lay in the floor next to the record player, and he couldn't remember just where he'd left his glasses.
Sometimes, he missed the days of Ripper. Of Ethan, chaos, magicks, and vanity. Of having fun, power, infamy, and freedom to not give a damn what anyone else thought.
Sometimes he missed the girls. The soft, velvety girls that were always following them around, begging for just a moment of their time.
He should just let it go. But he couldn't. It was a part of his past, just as anything else.
He thought maybe taking a younger lover would cull the urge to rebel again. All his attempts had failed, though the fault was circumstance, not his. He had too much responsibility now to do as he pleased all the time. Most people did not understand his job, much less want to believe that there truly were vampires, demons, and other such 'boogie monsters'.
And now here he was again, brooding with his alcohol and for what could have been, or what already had. He'd cut himself up some, keep himself up all night, and berate himself over and over and over again. It would eventually end how it always ends - he'd collapse into the bed and pass out until the next apocalypse.
Which wouldn't leave him with much sleep.
HIM - Vampire Heart
Spike prowled through the cemetery. Damned Buffy. He just couldn't get a break. She loved him, she hated him. She wanted to kill him, she was fucking him in an abandoned building.
Well, two could play that game. If she wanted cold-hearted love, it was cold-hearted love she'd get. He had a heart, but it didn't beat. And he didn't have to feel bad about treating her just like she'd treated him.
They were on opposite ends, opposite sides. They couldn't even have the same sleeping patterns, for crying out loud. But just because he couldn't take her to a matinee without becoming barbecue didn't mean he didn't love her.
Whatever the hell love was, when your heart stopped beating a century ago.
Mindless Self Indulgence - You'll Rebel To Anything (As Long As It's Not Challenging)
Giles angrily turned a curve in Citreon, speeding as fast at it could go.
Now more than ever, he wished for a sports car. It was very hard for one to speed away angrily in his current car.
Bloody Watcher's Council. Bunch of morons. They honestly believed that the entire demonic world revolved around them. And that they knew about every uprising. They fully expected a vampire gaining power to notify them before planning world domination.
Sod the Watcher's Council, and their Slayer tests. He chuckled to himself. Buffy could kick all of their arses, with no assistance whatsover. And they dared to tell her she may not be good enough to kill revived corpses.
He'd had enough of their rules and regulations. What good had they ever done him, anyway? What assistance had they ever given, after always having asked for his.
He just wished he'd been able to speed away angrily after quitting. That would have really put a bee in their bonnet, or some other such cliche for really pissing them off. To think of the shocked expressions when he left large, garish black marks on the pavement outside the Council building....
That's it. He was buying a sports car.
I cheated a little. There were songs I obviously couldn't use. And then I kept getting ones that only showed the same scenario to me (Buffy being mad at the world for being so burdened, Spike being all angry, etc.). And I felt like being canonish. ;p