Nov 12, 2002 22:19
Be careful for what you pray for. Not too long ago i had all the time in the world and noticed i was getting lazy. So, I decided to take care of that and prayed for my life to start filling up and allowing God to use me more. WOW!!! God answers prayers! My life has been so full it's crazy. That is why you have not heard from me in forever. Do not fear though, the one known as Michael lives on.
So what has been going on since last we hear? Wouldn't you like to know! Well my cracking down on school has been paying off. I feel that my grades are on the rise with special thanks to Amanda for helping me study, and to Amy for writing that perfect essay! And the business calculus class i think i am going to fail has a new catch to it. The professor informed us that whatever grade we get on the final is our final class grade. So i can actually take my "F" to an "A" with one test. So I have 4 weeks to learn everything. If not though, i have this class already plugged into my schedule for the spring semester.
Things with Amanda are going terrific. God has been doing a lot to my heart and it has just been bringing me even closer to her. We were talking last night and she told me that her father asked if i would be coming to Thanksgiving dinner with their family. I thought was so cool, that he would like to have me around not just their immediate family but all the other relatives as well. So Amanda invited me to come after I spend time with my family. Hopefully it will work out but I am not sure how my parents will see that since they don't get to spend much time with me anymore. I'll have to talk to my father about that. He's a wise guy, he'll know what to do.
Oh, and since i have been so busy i haven't gotten a haircut in forever so my hair is the longest it has ever been. It is nice to not have to mess with it much since it just kind of curls into place. I don't think some people like it that much but i keep getting compliments on it. I am going to keep it growing for now but when spring comes around i might have to chop it off. Eh,we shall see....