Jul 10, 2004 11:20
Since we have moved into our new apartment, we have had a lot more people come over already then expected. It has been a lot of fun though. First my sister, jennifer, came over for dinner and dessert. It was good to see her before she headed off to Tennessee for a month. Then Amanda's parents came over and visited. A week later my parents came over. The four of them really liked the apartment and thought we were off to a great start. Good to hear that from the parents. We have been real fortunate to have their support behind us this whole time. My best friend, Andy, came over too. His girlfriend and little brother tagged along also. And then we might be having people over again tonight.
I think I am enjoying having people come over so much because growing up a was rarely aloud to have my friends come over. It was kind of the same way when living with my sister. I could have them come over, but she would make guidelines to it. That kind of took the fun out of it. But she let Amanda come over all the time, and I thank her for that!
Yesterday I got a phone call from guarantee bank for a screening interview. They liked what I have to offer and said they will call me next week. This means I might be out of Olive Garden sooner than I thought. I figured it out too...if I turn in my two weeks notice in about 5 days, I am around long enough to collect my 2 weeks vacation pay. Not sure if it will work out, but will be nice if it does.