Well, my great friend from high school got married last weekend and now one of my best female friends is getting married this Saturday. Amanda is in the wedding as the maid of honor so that will be neat. I was a groomsman for Peter's wedding last weekend, so I will partial blame my absence on that since it was an out of town weekend event. The rest of the time I was gone I will blame on school. I took a maymester and just found out I got an A in the class. Now I am taking two more in summer I. The one class is business law. So far I don't like it. My mind doesn't really think like a lawyer and that is pretty much what the class if for. I would much rather be manager, hockey player, or a care bear than a lawyer. Huh, I wonder which care bear I would be if I were one.
Birthday Bear
You are the partier of the bunch! No matter what's going on, you can find a reason to throw a big bash. You're extremely outgoing and love to show others how to have a good time.
Take the Which Care Bear Are You? Quiz! Well now I know. Much better than a lawyer.
Now that I am out of maymester I am back to working more hours at work. That is nice because I get to see the weekly servers too as well as the weekenders. And now I will be pressured to keep my journal updated again thanks to Linda. iTs' goood two b bak at wurk lindA!!! ;) Now only if Amanda were on line so I could chat with her. She said she was going to be on at 2:30. There she is! :)