The Spacebug lives and so do I - RL

Apr 21, 2008 19:07

It's finally really spring and i drove the Spacebug for the first time this year. Poor thing was sitting for months on the garage. I'm doing the happy dance. It is so much fun to have the bug back on the road. I love my car!

It has been a hectic week. Happy Passover to all who celebrate. I am already sick to death of Matzah. I've never really been a fan.

As for the Sequel to "Since I found Serenity", I haven't had much time to work on it but i am at 14,000 words and closing in on the end. Remind me to avoid epics in the furture, they can suck the life out of you or maybe that's just the Reavers.

I haven't forgotten the other stuff in my queue or the beta work i owe people, but time is at a premium. Work is just crazy but I will get to the other stuff soon!

real life, ramblings

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