Writing update and other things in my fandom world

Mar 24, 2008 16:47

Since most of my flist likes the crossovers, I wanted to let ya'll know that the crossover_news community is back up and running with a weekly compilation of all that is posted in the crossover world. Yours truly is one of the worker bees. Check out all the stories from all over fandom. Also, be sure to let us know about any missing communitites or stories we should know about.

I wanted to thank clarksmuse and idontlikegravy for their recs of my crack fic A Muse Explains It All. I am so overwhelmed with the response this story has gotten. Thank you all for your lovely comments and feedback!

The next Immortal!Dean is close to being finished. I'm 17,000 word in and its just burning a hole in my pocket. It's almost done but you never know - you've met my muse. Still i have been feeding her lots of cheese so it should be done soon.

So I need to know should I start posting the beta'd chapters now or wait until it's complete?.

Poll To Post or not to Post

crack, poll, fandom, ramblings

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