Supernatural - Episode 3.10

Feb 07, 2008 23:17

I usually don't write a review of Supernatural because my flist gets flooded and I just mill around dropping comments. But I really enjoyed this episode.

So much interesting stuff.
1) Sam Dreaming about Bela - made me wonder if she wasn't walking in his dream to put him off guard. Still, sexually embarrased Sam is adorable

2) Sam in the bar trying to be Dean and failing miserably - again adorable.
Note:I blame clarksmuse She is putting the whammy on me and turning me into a Sammy girl. Stop it *looks at you clarksmuse*.

3) Sam tied up like a Christ figure - yikes and the conversation with Bobby - I believe his powers dormant because he wants them to be not because they really are.

3) Dean wanting to be Ben's dad broke my heart and confirmed everything we all knew about what Dean really wants.

4) Dean wants to Live - about damn time. Dean kicking himself in the ass, literally, is good therapy.

5 )Two Dean's in one room, so much hotness - even if one was an ass - see still a Dean girl!

6 )But best of all - Bobby. Now we know how he got into hunting and that he really is like a father to Dean - another wonderfully powerful moment.

Oh and for the record - if Kripke wants us to like Bela than she needs to stop being a Bitch! I am seriously starting to dislike the character - I thought she was ok but now she just pisses me off.

As for Smallville - eh it wastes time waiting for SPN and yet i still watch but only for Chloe. - Die Clana Die - sorry sometimes I can't help myself.

television, ramblings, tv addict, supernatural

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