Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays
To everyone on my flist
I joined LJ in May, 2007 and it has been a hellofa ride. Thank you all for welcoming me with open arms
As always when you make a list you forget someone but I'll take that risk and know that I appreciate all of you. Just a few special thanks as the year comes to a close:
kaylashay81 for encouraging me to write my first fic.
idontlikegravy for being a great friend, encouraging me to join her in running my first community
hl_flashfic , for being a great beta and for dragging me into the Highlander world - thanks also to
ithidrial for welcoming the newbie to the Highlander world.
pen37 for my being my coauthor in my first big collaboration, for being a fantastic beta reader and for converting me to Chlean - thanks also to
clarksmuse for Chlean inspiration
trystan830 for great conversations, memes and pic spams and commissioning my Immortal!dean Banner
strainconductor for making my immortal!Dean and flashfiction Icons and my other Immotal!Dean banner
To my flist - You rock. I want thank each of you and I look forward to much fun in 2008. Thank you for your stories, for your conversation, for your support, for trusting me to Beta your stories, and for friending me in the first place.