I needed to take a break for my multi chapter crossover that continues to eat my brain. At this rate, I won't have enough brain cells to finish. So, I'm doing my next favorite journal thing, telling people about the stories I like best.
All of these are SPN:
kellifer_fic wrote a great Bobby meets the Winchesters story
Where roads meet. I love her writing and I love Bobby so this rec is a no brainer.
coffee-in-bed wrote
Spun you this Borrowed Radio A story form the wish 'verse of WIAWSNB. I love these types of glimpses into Dean with a normal life
dodger-winslow wrote a preseries story from two perspectives
Ten going on thirteen and
Stay. The picture of the Winchesters on the road (adorable) and in the face of tragedy (heartbreaking) and then to flip the whole thing to an outsider's perspective is just incredible
derry667 wrote
One Winchester, Colt in Hand. Sam would do anything to save Dean, of course
theladyscribe wrote a coda to AHBL
Further On Up the Road. I really like her Jo. Everyone ends up at Bobby's like some wonderful, dysfunctional, extended family.
lyra-wing wrote
On Warm Summer Nights. I seem to rec a lot of her suff but I really enjoy her style. This is a portrait of Mary that goes someplace unexpected.
Now back to your regularly scheduled program