Snagged from
trystan830 becasue she knows ultimately I can't resist talking about Supernatural. November officially marks one year for my SPN obsession. The first epsiode I ever saw was Crossroad Blues - Talk about not knowing what the hell was going on and spoiling myself for Season 1 and yet I was hooked
01. Name your favorite show that an actor from Supernatural has been on (other than Supernatural):
I watched S4 of smallville and never realized who Jesen was - i disliked Jason so much. So I found both boys officially when I started watching SPN last Nov
02. Name an actor that you'd like to see on Supernatural:
Chloe Sullivan - wait that's a character so how about - Allison Mack playing a Chloe like character
03. Name an actor you wouldn't like to see on Supernatural:
can't think of any that would really bother me
04. What idea do you have for a future episode of Supernatural that hasn't been done yet?:
All my ideas involve crossovers so unlikely to happen. But would love to see more wee!chesters and the return of John.
05. Name an episode that you can - and do - quote from:
Pretty much all the episodes but my favorite quote is still "Driver picks the music..." which i actually say to my boys in the car all the time
06. Have you been to any Supernatural related con events, and if so, which ones?:
07. What song do you wish they'd play on the Supernatural that would fit with the current music theme?:
It would be great if Led Zeppelin would relent and let them use their stuff.
08. Name an episode you'd encourage everyone to watch:
Start with the pilot and then Skin to get started.
09. Do you own any of the Supernatural season - and if so - which ones?:
10. Name an actor who launched his/her entertainment career in another medium, but has surprised you with their performance to date on Supernatural:
Stumped was there anyone?
11. What is your favorite Supernatural episode, and why?:
What is & what should never be - for the angst
In My TIme of Dying - Jensen and the angst
Bad Day at Blackrock - for the funny
Nightshifter - for the the music
Something Wicked - Wee!chesters
Born Under a Bad Sign - because I finally saw Sam as a hottie
I can't stop
12. Do you like any of the movies that Jensen/Jared have been in - and if so - which ones?:
Cry Wolf. Not a bad movie but Jared's character was a jerk
13. Would you ever consider not watching Supernatural due to clash of religious or personal beliefs?:
I would never stop watching
14. Name an episode that made you cry:
What is & what should never be. In My TIme of Dying. If they were supposed to make me cry, i did.
15. Do you have a Supernatural ritual? aka. Specific foods, pillows to cuddle, box of kleenex?:
I don't answer the phone.
16. Are you willing and able to watch Supernatural every week?:
17. Do you wish there were more shirtless scenes of the boys?:
oh gods YES!! (agreeing with trys on this one) Do you hear the fan girls begging, Kripke?
18. What about the show makes you like it so much? (and yes, you can say the boys):
the urban legends, the car, the music, the plot... oh, the boys too. :) (again gotta go with Trys on this one)
19. Would you consider yourself obsessed with Supernatural?:
Was it ever in doubt?
20. Do you own any other Supernatural paraphernalia besides the seasons?:
No but do the pics clogging my hard drive count
21. What was generally the weirdest episode to date?:
Wierd as in goofy - Bad Day at Black Rock
Wierd as in made no sense - Houses of the Holy
22. What episode scared you the most?:
All Hell Breaks Loose becasue dead Sam was a real shock
23. What episode made you laugh the most?:
Bad Day at Black Rock - Duh!
24. If you had to pick another show to have a crossover with Supernatural, which would it be?:
Is this a trick question. Chloe Sullivan from Smallville. Highlander of course but I'd take pretty much any show becasue I love crossovers
25. How many seasons do you think the show will last? (and 'forever' isn't really an option *grin*):
I think this is the last because i don't see the CW surviving the writer's strike but I'd love it to hit 100 episodes so 6 seasons