The TV Addict - Watching the new crap so you don't have to

Sep 26, 2012 23:25

It's been awhile since I posted my thoughts about Television. I thought with the new season kicking off on Monday now would be a good time to weigh in on some of this seasons new shows.

I love David Krumholtz. I watched every episode of Numbers (even wrote some fic) but even he can't save this show. The premise has potential but the acting is so bad. Michael Urie is so over the top as the stereotypical gay man. I found his character selfish and unlikeable. As for Brandon Routh, well, I just don't think the guy can do comedy. He was so bland and his acting was not good. Until these characters show some kind of chemistry and ability to entertain, I'm giving it a pass.

Animal Practice
I caught the pilot on Hulu. I predict this is the first show cancelled. Stupid and lame and not worth going into more detail really. Don't waste your time.

The Mindy Project
This is a show that has been getting a lot of support from the critics. I don't know why. I really didn't like the main character at all. Mindy is a beautiful, successful doctor but she acts like a moron and all she cares about is getting a boyfriend. I really hate shows that imply a woman can never be happy or truly fulfilled without a man to love. Sorry I won't be watching

Ben and Kate
I know I watched the pilot on hulu but I honestly can't remember much about it. I guess that says it all. The characters were annoying and the whole thing was just average.

The New Normal
I didn't like the pilot that much, but I've kept watching because anything that's banned in Utah immediately gets my support. Ellen Bursten's female Archie Bunker is hard to take and way too over the top but they seem to be toning her down a bit byt the third episode. If they can get her to a point where she doesn't grate every time she's on screen, I think I can get behind this show. Bebe Wood, the young girl, is the highlight of the show. As for the gay couple at the center, i like both the actors better then the pair in Partners above and they are starting to show some real chemistry.

I wanted to hate it because to me the BBC's Sherlock is the definitive modern take on Sherlock Holmes. But I really enjoyed Elementary. It was different enough that I stopped comparing. I like the idea of Joan Watson and Johnny Lee Miller is actually doing a very good version of a tattooed, reformed drug addict, bad boy Sherlock. Still The BBC show is brilliant on every level and if you have to choose, then go with Sherlock over Elementary.

Go On
This show I love. I have adored Mathew Perry since the first episode of Friends and he is just hilarious in this show. I like the characters in his support group and John Cho as his boss is really funny. I've been waiting for Perry to find the right post friends project and I think this is it.

It has potential, but as an engineer the whole loss of electricity thing bugs me. They better explain quickly how they can't even generate electricity using water or steam or wind. The premise makes no sense. And if they have 'changed the laws of physics' then they better explain soon. JJ Abrams gave us Lost but it was crap in the end. Kripke gave us Supernatural but broke many of his own absolutes before he left. So I'm not hopeful that their collaboration will produce a satisfying show that answers all the mysteries. If I ignore my misgivings about the electricity issues for now, I am enjoying the characters. At this point the show reminds me of a cross between Lost (the good seasons) and Jericho. So at least for a little while, I'm going to keep watching.

I think that's enough for now. What are you watching? Next time I'll talk about the returning shows like Castle...loved it!

television, tv addict

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