Title: 5 Times Immortal!Dean met Meta!Chloe.
Chapter: Never in a Million (2/5)
strangevisitor7, Chapters: 1, 3 & 5 and
Pen37, Chapters: 2, 3 & 4.
Fandoms:Highlander, Supernatural & Smallville
Characters: Dean, Sam, Chloe, Duncan, Methos and mentions of just about everyone else
Pairings: Chloe/Sam, Chloe/Dean (although only hints of either).
Disclaimer: The characters you know and love all belong to their respective creators.
Rating: PG
Summary These stories cross the two worlds we created. This collection starts about 1 year after "Waiting on The World to Change" in the Immortal!Dean series and spans time far into the future beyond the last Chloe and the Immortals story, "The One Left behind." The original series can be found here:
Immortal!Dean and
Chloe and the Immortals Chapter1: When First We Met Chapter 3: Kids These Days Chapter 4: Against Her Will Chapter 5: When the Fightings Done The Story continues:
Chapter 2: Never in a Million