30 Days of Shipping Meme - Day 8

May 27, 2012 06:58

Snagged fromdragonsinger

Day 8: A pairing only you seem to like - Richie Ryan/Jo Harvelle. Richie (Highlander) and Jo (Supernatural) are two characters who are not that popular in their respective fandoms. They are both "sidekicks" desperate to prove themselves and I think that makes them perfect for each other. I've put them together in my Immortal!Dean ( Read more... )

30 days, shipping, meme

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jolinar_rosha May 28 2012, 09:18:13 UTC
Jo and Richie aren't popular in the fandom?

lol, I had no idea!! (but then the only contact I've got with the SPN fandom is where it comes to Castiel :P And I never had any contact with the Highlander fandom at all :P)

well, I certainly very much like both of them. And they make a very interesting pairing too.


strangevisitor7 May 28 2012, 13:24:29 UTC
No they really aren't popular. Most of the people currently active in Highlander fandom are not Richie fans. As for Jo, Kripke pretty much dumped the character because of fan backlash - all the psycho Dean girls hated her because she was interested in Dean.

There are many Richie and Jo fans on my flist because we've found each other. And I'm glad you're one of them!


jolinar_rosha May 28 2012, 18:33:52 UTC
omg really? So what, Dean isn't allowed to be attracted to a worthwhile woman and/or be happy? One of the reasons I liked Jo so much was because she had the potential to be as awesome as the boys, plus she had an actual personality.

I cried my eyes out when she and Ellen died.


Also, why are people not Richie fans? I'm genuinely curious. I know he was a bit of a wise-ass and all, but I mean, the guy was, like, 21? I dare them to show me a mature 21-year-old. And the poor guy did mature, so much, by the end of the 5th season.

Again, idjits.


strangevisitor7 May 28 2012, 18:55:52 UTC
I should clarify about Richie. Richie was wildly popular during the series run. In fact I know that one of the reasons that he was killed off was because Adrian Paul was jealous that the Richie character was so popular.
The on line community has shifted dramatically toward Duncan/Methos and a dislike of Richie over the 10+ years that the show has been off the air. Maybe the majority of Richie fans never came to LJ. I know alot of Richie fans on my flist but if you look at Highlander ficathons and the like there is always a majority of "no Richie please" in the requests.

And no Dean isn't allowed to be happy with anyone but Sam (or Castiel more recently) according to fandom. I, of course, want him to get with Chloe Sullivan but that's a completely different ship possibility


jolinar_rosha May 28 2012, 21:38:21 UTC
aah. Ok then.

I shall repeat. Idjits. (and also, damn, about Adrian Paul. I hate petty jealousies in the film industry)

Yeah, it'd be so awesome if we could have crossovers between series like that. :P
(also, ugh, don't remind me about the whole thing with Dean and Castiel. I mean, I read slash if the story is good and will even like it, but I'll never understand fandom's propensity to turn close male friendships into sexual relationships)


strangevisitor7 May 30 2012, 12:14:53 UTC
Yep it was one of those hollywood ego things.

As for Dean and Castiel, I enjoy them as friends. It took me awhile to warm to the character and I'd even debated dropping SPN when the angels showed up - I just couldn't get on board. But now I like Cas. I think because Misha Collins is just fantastic.

I did find it distressing that even Sam and Bobby were making jokes about Dean's "boyfirend". Sometimes I think the SPN fandom has too much power and the show runners are too easily swayed by their demands.


jolinar_rosha May 30 2012, 12:38:35 UTC
Really? lol, I went insane with joy when the angels were introduced (but then I have a thing for angels since forever :P). Plus if demons existed, and Hell, then angels had to be around at some point.

(my first introduction to Castiel was a random S4 episode while I was visiting family in Australia. We where still on S3 here, so I'd no idea about angels - and then I see this Castiel episode and it was love at first sight. I was like, what is this character he's *awesome* :P)

I don't mind the jokes, I find them funny. Mostly because of Dean's face when people mention it. But I prefer them as friends too.


strangevisitor7 May 30 2012, 13:17:58 UTC
I guess my problem was that demons are common in many mythologies and religions while angels are, to me, a mostly christian concept. So when they came along I felt that the series was making a statement about "true religion" somehow and I let that get in the way of fantasy. Obviously I got over it - especially after the "Hammer of the Gods" epsiode and they kind of pilfered Neil Gaiman's American Gods theories. I know I was taking my TV too seriously


jolinar_rosha May 30 2012, 13:28:05 UTC
aah yes. But the particular demons were also very much based on Christianity's version, weren't they? Because of Hell?

(I don't know much about demons in other cultures, but I was always under the impression that they differed. I'm only properly familiar with my own peoples' mythology, and no demons exist in ancient Greece - evil deities and whatnot yes, proper demons, no)

Also, we'd also seen pagan gods before on the show, so it couldn't have been about a 'true religion' statement? Or perhaps it just never occurred to me.

But yeah, I certainly get what you mean.


strangevisitor7 May 30 2012, 13:49:39 UTC
I really am not familiar with demons either so I never thought of them as Chritian just pagan (At that point they had never mentioned Lucifer or the devil). Like I said. I was reading too much into it and got over it. In fact I've rewatched season 4 and I really like it much better now. And I love Misha(I even follow him on twitter) and was actually sorry when he was demoted from series regular


jolinar_rosha May 30 2012, 18:52:29 UTC
yeah that's true they hadn't mentioned Lucifer. Perhaps it's just being raised in a Christian country which has conditioned me to assume demons+Hell=Lucifer and angels somewhere. :)

Yeah, I'm not very pleased with what they've done to Castiel... :( But I get why they did it, and so long as it looks like his friendship with Dean is not destroyed, I'm determined to be happy. (If only he weren't *quite* so insane, lol!)


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