Yes, I have more recs but first with the talking

Jun 04, 2007 10:14

Wow, June. Last week of school for the kids

Why can't we adults get summers off? I taught school for 5 years (Chemistry/Physics); Summers off were great but then I went back to the manufacturing world (pay's better) but gave up those summers. So, why can't the non-educational world do the same. I mean not every summer but you know - Stay with a company 5 years get one summer off. Instead I make due with 3 weeks vacation and as many personal days as i can wrangle. Heck, I have to be here 10 years before I get that 4th week.

Ok so enough ranting and more rec'ing

I read this amazing SG-1/BtVS cross this weekend. Bridges by Tassos. Xander finds meets his real Dad and it's Jack O'Niell.

I love crossover stories and I especially like unusual ones:
How about a Hardy boys Teen!Winchesters story. First Impressions by Phx There is also a sequel Close Encounters. The interaction between the brother sets is fun. The sequel combines the supernatural with a criminal case the Hardy's are investigating. Also, in the sequel we get the parents interacting. Mrs. Hardy is the mother you wish for the Winchesters.

idiot4dean wrote a Bones/SPN crossover Beauty is but Skin Deep I think this would get the boys off the FBI's radar, so I like this universe

trolllogicfics wrote One Shot. This was one of the first things I ever read in the SPN world and still one of my favorites. To say more would spoil it.

trollprincess wrote Now Jerk That Pistol and go to Work . A great "I told you not to touch that" story.

Finally, I just want to mention that jinnifanfic has been a writing machine cranking out a series of "Five things" stories that cross all fandoms Drop by and read them they are a lot of fun, angsty, silly and just plain great. But best of all , since I am a new lj participant, it is the first time anyone has written something from a prompt from me. *does a little happy dance*

I finally figured out all the coding and came back to fix this entry because the big links were bugging me.

btvs, recs, bones, sg-1, hardy boys, supernatural

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