Fandom Meme

Feb 06, 2010 17:07


The first character I fell in love with: Dean

The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Hendrickson  - Originally I thought he was an ass but he turned into a great nemesis and then an ally - I was really sorry they killed him off

The character everyone else loves that I don't: Castiel - I agree he's very pretty but I'm not a fan of the angels

The character I love that everyone else hates: JO!!! She's so misunderstood and for the record not dead

The character I used to love but don't any longer: Castiel - I thought his introduction was the fantastic but then the angel story line took over season four and now I find him annoying

The character I would shag anytime: Sam or Dean

The character I'd want to be like: Chloe…what do you mean she's not actually in the show…I don't accept that

The character I'd slap: Gordon - but he's dead now so I lost my chance

A pairing that I love: Dean/Chloe.  Hey, it's my list

A pairing that I hate:  Dean/Sam - Wincest …

Favorite character: Bobby!! If they'd killed him I may have given up on the show entirely

My five favorite characters: Dean Sam Bobby Ellen Jo (JD, Mule, MJ, ..all my Spawn LOL)

My five least favorite characters: All the angels

Which character I am most like:  I have no idea maybe Jo - she actually thought she had a chance with Dean.

My deep, dark fandom secret: I like the fanfiction better than the show these days - Dean is Immortal and Sam is married with children…SPAWN!!


The first character I fell in love with: Tony DiNozzo

The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Ducky - I really didn't get him at first

The character everyone else loves that I don't: Kate - I was glad I didn't start watching until season 2

The character I love that everyone else hates: Fornell - not sure if he's hated but I love it when ever he shows up

The character I used to love but don't any longer: Jenny - I wasn't sorry they killed her off

The character I would shag anytime: Tony!

The character I'd want to be like: Abby

The character I'd slap: Vance

A pairing that I love: TIVA! But I don't want them to ever actually get together - the UST is fantastic these days

A pairing that I hate:  Tony/Gibbs - I just don't believe either of them in that kind of relationship

Favorite character: Tony

My five favorite characters: Tony, Ziva, Gibbs, Abby, Ducky, Tim (I know that's six but who do I leave off!)

My five least favorite characters: Kate, Jenny, Jimmy,  Col. Hollis Mannand, and Margaret Allison Hart (The Lawyer that Gibbs almost kissed last episode UGH!)

Which character I am most like: Tony - we are both huge movie fans

My deep, dark fandom secret: I started watching the show because I lost a bet with my mother and now it's one of my favorites

fandom, meme

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