The Choices We Make - SPN ficlet

Nov 13, 2009 16:38

SPNland had a challenge to write a coda to any episode. Now that it's over I thought I'd post my entry here.

Title: The Choices We Make
Characters: Lisa Braeden; mentions of Dean, Ben and Sam
Beta: fanopola
Fandom: Supernatural
Disclaimer: Not mine and they never will be

Summary: A Coda to episode 3.02 - The Kids Are Alright.

The Choices We Make

Lisa Braeden didn't know why she'd lied when Dean asked if Ben was his son. Maybe it was because she'd been a single mother for so long she didn't want anything to change in her life; maybe she didn't want to admit that she'd lied to her son all these years about his father's identity. But mostly she suspected it was because she didn't want a relative stranger invading her life after nine years, demanding his fair share of Ben's attention.

It really didn't matter. The minute Dean and his brother had driven away, Lisa realized what a selfish thing the lie had been.

Dean and Sam had risked so much to save Ben and the other children from the changeling. Didn't Dean deserve to know the truth? Didn't Ben? Her son had already asked when the Winchesters might come back. She recognized the seed of hero worship Ben was nurturing towards Dean. All she had to do was call Dean and she knew he would turn around and be right back in their lives.

She looked down at the paper in her hand on which Dean had scribbled his phone number. In her other hand she held her cell phone, fingers poised to dial and yet, she hesitated.

Dean's life was dangerous. As Ben's father, she couldn't - wouldn't - deny him visitation or time alone together, if that’s what he wanted. Would Dean want to take Ben on the road? She wondered if, years from now, Ben might take up the uncertain nomadic life his father lived, thinking it glamorous. Did she really want her son exposed to a daily dose of Dean's world?

Snapping the cell phone shut, she decided that she couldn't risk her musings of the future becoming reality. As a mother, it was her job to protect her son from the dangers of this world, not encourage him to confront them. As much as she knew Ben and Dean might hate her, her son's safety was all that mattered.

She stared one last time at Dean's number before crumpling up the paper and tossing it away. This time she was sure her decision wasn't selfish - well not as selfish.

my fic, drabble, supernatural

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