So I must be crazy considering how uncooperative my muse has been this past month. For the third year running I have signed up for
hlh_shortcuts. My recipient has left me lots of options so I'm glad for that. I feel like I've always delivered a pretty good story for this exchange (The Watcher Abby verse started with a story for this exchange) so I'm excited.
I've also signed up for
xover_exchange ficathon. This one will be a bit more of a challenge simply because it may require a crossover I haven't done. I've written the fandoms but just not in the way the recipient has requested.
So I'm hoping to feel inspired.
Also for the record Chapter 7 of "Hell Hath no fury" is over 2000 words so I should be ready to send to beta soon!!
And the best news - still not smoking. That's 16 days for those keeping count.