Pic Spam: Magnificent Seven 2.08 - Chinatown

Oct 09, 2009 10:29

Over the course of the past year I have been capping the Magnificent 7 episodes and posting those pic spams at 7men1destiny, but that has become a flashfic community so I thought I'd go ahead and just post the pic spam in my own journal. (And that being the case you know this post will be Ezra heavy - Just a warning) I do plan on capping the rest of the episodes eventually.

All the previous episode caps can be found in my scrapbook and previous pic spams can be found at 7men1destiny.

So on with the Pic Spam for episode 2.08 - Chinatown. All 620 caps caps can be found HERE

Chris is very suspicious about the new location for these pic spams, but I assured him that the same high quiality standards would apply.

Ezra is not convinced and requires more evidence, which I am happy to supply.

I like to start start these posts with a bit of a summary and my thoughts about the episode. Chinatown is all about corruption during the building of the transcontinental railroad. The abuse of the Chinese laborer is highlighted and...

Ooh look pretty Vin!

*coughs* I mean...back to the story. We know our evil guy right away because the producers have cast Wormtongue as the boss. (Seriously, has Brad Dourif ever played a good guy)

Wormtongue would like to point out that it's not his fault he is typecast but Chris and Vin are not buying it

Sulu is on an away mission to discover... I mean Wo Chin is one of the abused Chinese workers who requests the help of the mag7 boys

Everybody goes to hang out at the Chinese labor camp - fun day!

Let's see what Buck and JD are up too. JD is actually surprised that the c-plot line is going to be covered first - just work with me ok?

So the guys set out to explore the Camp.

Buck and JD find a potions master...

No not that one

This one.

Buck makes fun of JD who gets a potion to help him grow. (and I want to point out that I hate this director for shooting the entire scene through those stupid scales

And Buck gets a love potion but not until the potions master gets to make a funny dick joke. I have to say, penis jokes and Buck - Comedy gold.

So this potion is supposed to make Inez fall for him

but instead JD and Inez team up to teach Buck a lesson. JD drinks the love potion instead and pretends to be attracted to Buck (which IMHO should never, ever happen sorry JD/B slashers, but ...just no)

And then Inez drinks it later in the episode and pretends to fall for JD much to Buck's chagrin

It really is the best prank ever on Buck - even Nathan thinks it's funny.

Back to the A-plot line and the Chinese laborers...wait that's boring(and not as pretty). Let's check in on Ezra instead.

Ezra has found a game of dominoes. When I first saw this episode a part of me hoped he was playing mahjong because I play mahjong and somehow I thought that would be cool.Ezra could come over to my house and we'd play mahj and and I'd let him win....oh sorry...Right so Ezra's playing Mahjong dominoes

when this guy comes in to sell his niece, Lei Pan (That's how IMBD spells it so I'm going with that)

Nathan is outraged and threatens to expose Ezra's cheating Domino ways unless he helps the girl. (Can you really cheat at Dominoes? Would Ezra really be cheating - I have my doubts) Ezra gives Nathan the 7 dollars and then immediately frees Lei Pan.

Time for an Ezra mini spam (my journal my rules):

Ezra gets back to his room - hey nifty shot of hat in motion -

- to find that Lei Pan has followed him. She offers to 'do things' for him...hey mind out of gutter....like hang up his coat

but they are interrupted by Nathan

who thinks Ezra is taking advantage - Blah blah blah (heard it before). Nathan and Ezra have words

Ezra demands an apology,when Lei Pan makes it clear it was her idea to find Ezra, which Nathan refuses to grant..and this upsets our pretty boy. Poor Ezra, he and Nathan will never be BFFs.

Ok back the the A-plot Line.
Josiah tries to help Sulu deal with the death of his dad

While Chris and Vin look into the other terrible things that are happening at the camp and show off their gunbelts \o/


Meanwhile back in Ezra's room...(and don't I wish I was there right now)

Lei Pan offers to "do things" for him...ok now your mind can go there.

But I actually don't think they 'did it'. My proof, you ask...see the neatly made bed in the background. I know Ezra's a bit of a neat freak but I don't think even he'd stop to make the bed after they do the nasty.

Ezra decides to play hero for Lei Pan. He must really like her when she didn't even give him a little sumpin' sumpin'...maybe later...after she turns 18 (seriously she looks about 12).

Ezra goes to steal the evidence of Wormtongue's evilness and is caught and made to dig his own grave - poor sweaty Ezra forced to do menial labor

Ezra is saved by the arrival of Mr. Tanner whose timing is impeccable as always

Poor dirty, sweaty, grumpy Ezra - now everyone will know he's actually good guy and does hero type stuff.

Nathan seems pleased that Ezra is revealed as a good guy...Ezra not so much.

Back in the A-plot line, Sulu has stolen Josiah's gun (obviously he has misplaced his phaser)

and plans to kill Wormtongue.

It's about time someone took Wormtongue down especially since Eomer was banished before he could...wait...back up sorry... I'm mixing fandoms again. Damn those crossover fairies.


And Wormtongue is down!

Time for the epilogue pic spam summary. Our guys save the day and stop the corruption in the camp. Ezra sends Lei Pan back to her family and JD reveals that he and Inez punk'd Buck. Over all I liked the episode.

And our heroes ride off into the sunset...

Hope you enjoyed it. And I'd love to hear your thoughts about the episode.

mag7, pic spam

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