I posted the Fannish 5 Meme and here's what some of the flist wanted to know about. It's not to late to add your request
Here ithildyn - Top five female characters
1) Chloe Sullivan - Smallville
2) Ziva David - NCIS
3) Ripley -the Alien Movies
4) Buffy the Vampire Slayer
5) Lizzie Bennet - Pride and Prejudice
kreutzmarie - Top five Tony moments in NCIS
1)When Tony interrogates himself when he's accused of Murder
2)When he chooses the team over Jeanne
3)Any time Gibbs applies the "Gibbs' smack" which includes the scene in SWAK when Gibbs orders him not to die
4)His boyish glee over seeing the Magnum PI replica Hawaiian shirts in the suspect's closet
5)Being over protective of Ziva at the end of last season and yet he still won't admit how he feels about her - Yes I'm a Tiva shipper
catyuy - Top 5 animated characters you wish you could meet.
1) Bugs Bunny
2) Woody - Toy Story
3) Genie - Aladdin
4) Herbie the Love Bug - not exactly animated but I going with it
5) The abominable snowman (from the Bugs Bunny cartoon) because he would hug me and love me and call me George
fonapola - Top five Chlean moments. Interpret as you like. ;D
1)Dean and Chloe meet up again at Serenity Valley after 150 years (Immie!Dean Meets Meta!Chloe)
2)JD and Holly get Dean and Chloe together in the Apoco!Spawn universe.
3)Any story where Dean interrupts the Chimmy wedding
4)The fact that Chloe has a bad habit of destroying cars and therefor marrying her mechanic was a smart idea.
5)Chloe and Dean are bantering(arguing) and as she attempts to storm away Chloe accidentally snags Dean's towel with her watch band and sees him naked (Immie!Dean verse "We Can't Keep Her")
tpena19 - Top five fannish "Most Cool Vehicles (animals included)"
1)Herbie The Love Bug - Duh!?!
2)The Wincester's 1967 Chevy Impala
3)The Flying Winnebago from Spaceballs
4)Big Blue('52 Buick)- The only car Stephanie Plum has not managed to blow up
5)Michael Weston's 1973 Dodge Charger
sallymn - Five Things Ezra Keeps Secret...
1)His Immortality
2)He really does prefer the uncivilized west to the big cities
3)He wishes Maude would find true love and settle down (and if it were Josiah he wouldn't mind)
4)He enjoyed wearing that purple dress just a little too much
5)He actually doesn't mind getting up early but he has a reputation to maintain