My Sister's Keeper - Immortal!Uncle Dean

May 19, 2009 09:44

It's spawnfic_tues!!! The adventure continues. Be sure to stop by the community and meet all the spawn.

Title My Sister's Keeper
Author: strangevisitor7
Beta: pen37
Rated: PG
Fandom/Universe: Immortal!Uncle Dean ‘verse .
Characters All OC's - Katie Collins Winchester and the spawn: JD, Robbie and Mary Joan (MJ) Winchester
Prompt: Written for Spawnfic_tues and a request from pen37 that JD needed a sister

Disclaimer: The characters you know and love all belong to their respective creators. Katie and the spawn are mine

Summary: MJ goes on a date. JD is not amused.

A/N: Other spawn adventures in the Immortal!Dean Universe can be found here.

My Sister's Keeper

The Honda sedan pulled up to the curb in front of the Winchester house. MJ looked over at her date for the evening, Mark Copeland, studying his handsome features; dark hair, dark eyes and a killer smile. Mark had been a perfect gentleman all night. She'd been giddy when the senior had asked her, a lowly freshman, out. She shifted in the passenger seat wondering what might happen next. MJ knew what she wanted to happen. As they sat silently in the idling car, she was really hoping he'd try to kiss her.

"I had a really nice time," she finally said and then cringed at the lameness of the statement.

He smiled as he moved to face her. "Me too." She must have given him the right signal because he reached for her shoulder to pull her toward him and she went willingly. As their lips met she felt a surge of excitement. It was her first kiss and from what she could tell it was turning into a good one. He held her loosely as he caressed her back and she settled her arms around his neck as the make out session continued.

A rap on the driver's side window caused them both to jump apart. MJ ran a hand across her lips trying to hold on to the marvelous feeling. She looked toward the window and groaned.

JD was smiling at them, adding a cheeky little wave to his interruption.

Mark looked as uncomfortable as she felt. "Is that your dad?"

"No!" Why would he think that? True, JD was twenty- eight, but hardly old enough to be her father. Maybe it would have been better if it had been her dad because she knew JD was going to embarrass the crap out of her and then she was going to have to kick his ass. "It's just my stupid brother."

JD rapped again and made a motion for Mark to roll the window down.

"Ignore him." MJ grabbed Mark's hand to stop him from opening the window. Glaring up at JD, she yelled, "Go away!” through the glass.

He cocked his head and touched his ear indicating he couldn't hear her. He had an annoying smirk on his face the whole time.

"I don't think he's leaving," Mark said as he pressed the button to lower the window.

Her brother leaned in holding out his hand. "Well hey there. I'm JD Winchester, MJ's oldest brother and you are?"

"Go away, JD," MJ repeated. He couldn't claim he hadn’t heard her this time.

Mark looked uncertainly at the offered appendage before taking hold of JD's hand and introducing himself.

"How old are you, Mark?" JD asked.

"Uh - eighteen."

JD nodded with exaggerated understanding. "You do know she's only fifteen, right?"

"Shut up, JD," she said through clenched teeth. Turning to Mark, she continued in a softer tone. "You don't have to answer his questions or even talk to him," she turned her glare on JD, "he's not my father."

Mark didn't seem to know what to do. "Maybe I'd better go?"

"No! JD was just leaving." What was he doing here anyway? He was supposed to be out of town.

JD chuckled. "So you two can get back to the lip lock? I don't think so."

MJ was unbelievably embarrassed. She was sure Mark would never speak to her after tonight. At least she'd have the satisfaction of killing JD - painfully - so he couldn't do this to her again.

She placed her hand on Mark's and peered up into his eyes. "I am so sorry my brother's such an ass."


"It's okay, MJ," Mark said squeezing her hand. He was smiling at her and she thought that, just maybe, this night wasn't a complete disaster.

JD leaned into the car, resting his arms on the open window frame. "Did I mention that I own a gun?"

"JD!" That was it. MJ flung open the door, slammed it shut behind her and stormed around the car. Pushing JD away from Mark, she leaned into the open window and whispered, "Again. I am so sorry."

Mark was chuckling now. "No worries. I get the big scary brother routine." And then he did something completely unexpected, he pulled her down for a quick kiss. "I'll call you. Promise," he said as he released her.

Smiling, she nodded not trusting herself to answer. No, it wasn't a disaster after all, but that didn't mean that JD wasn't a dead man. She stepped back from the car and waved as Mark drove off.

Then she turned to glare at her brother. "You're lucky I didn't have my gun." She spat at him before heading up to the pathway toward the house.

"Come on, MJ," JD called as he followed. "You should be thanking me. He was a total dweeb."

"Arggh!" She was so frustrated. "I hate you!" She opened the door and, quickly slipping inside, slammed it in his face.


Robbie was busy trying to kill video zombies when he felt MJ flop onto the couch beside him.

"Date not go well?" He asked without looking up.

"Date was fine until JD stuck his nose in," she grumbled.

Robbie chuckled. "Told him not to go out there."

"You knew!" She barked grabbing the controller from his hand.

"Hey!" He leaned over her trying to recapture it. "Give that back!"

"You should have stopped him." MJ tried to hold the controller out of his reach but he had four inches on her and was able to snag it back easily.

Turing back to the game, he complained, "Oh great, zombies just ate my brains. Thanks a lot MJ."

"Robbie! Focus! Why didn't you stop him?"

"Because he knows I can take him." JD snickered from the doorway.

Robbie looked up and shrugged. "He's right." He knew he should leave, get out of the line of fire, but watching MJ and JD go at it was always entertaining.

"Chicken," MJ snapped before standing to face their eldest brother. "You had no right to talk to Mark that way."

"I had every right. I'm your brother and protecting you is my responsibility."

"Protecting me?" She flapped her hands in frustration. "You embarrassed me! And for your information, I wasn't in any danger."

JD snorted. "Eighteen-year-old boy groping you in a parked car. I'd call that danger."

"He was groping you?" Robbie was surprised. He and Mark were buds and that was just uncool to grope your friend's sister on the first date.

"Stay out of this, Robbie," MJ warned without taking her eyes off of JD. "Nothing happened and if it had I could have handled him just fine."

"Right," JD drawled sarcastically.

"He's not that kind of guy," MJ insisted. "Tell him, Robbie. Mark's your friend."

"You told me to stay out of it," he reminded her. He was relieved that nothing had happened and, he had to agree with his sister, MJ could have handled Mark if he'd tried anything.

"You know that joker?" JD asked.

Uh oh Robbie thought. "You know what? I just remembered I have something I need to do." Discretion being the better part of valor, Robbie fled for the safety of his room.


Katie was just coming down the stairs when Robbie flew by her. She was about to ask him what was wrong when she heard the raised voices coming from the family room. With only two of her six kids still living at home she'd thought that maybe there'd be some peace and quiet, but it seemed JD was back in town.

She allowed herself a moment of relief that he was safe from the latest hunt before deciding that she wanted to know what had triggered this confrontation between her eldest and his sister.

As she approached, the topic became clear. She paused to listen and was happy to hear MJ insist that nothing had happened. Katie knew her daughter well enough to trust her on a simple date. Growing up with five older brothers, MJ could hold her own both mentally and physically with any teen aged boy. JD really needed to give up the big brother- knows- best attitude when it came to his little sister.

MJ paused in her rant when she spotted her mother. "Mom!" she called as she moved toward Katie. Flinging a hand back at JD, she continued, "Will you tell your son that what I do is none of his business?"

Katie realized that she'd made a tactical error entering the combat zone. Now she might be forced to pick sides. "I'm sure JD only has you best interest at heart." She thought the lame platitude fit the situation well.

"I don't care why he did it," she insisted. "He doesn’t get to waltz in here once a month and disrupt my world."

"She has a point, JD. You have to let MJ live her own life."

"Mom, you can't be serious. I was an eighteen -year-old boy once. I know how they think."

"You hypocrite!" MJ whirled on him. "Go find some bimbo to bed and leave me alone."

Katie quickly covered her mouth to stifle a laugh. As much as she didn't approve of some of JD's habits, he was an adult. Her daughter was right; JD was on shaky ground lecturing someone else on this subject.

She was on the verge of putting an end to this ridiculous argument when a cell phone rang. The two women looked at JD, who fished the devise out of his pocket.

Sheepishly he answered it and stepped out of the room for some quiet.

"I bet that's some girl," MJ huffed with disgust.

Katie put a hand on her daughter's arm trying to calm her down. "Besides JD's untimely intervention, how did it go?" She knew her daughter had been excited and nervous about the big date.

MJ smiled "It was great. I think he likes me."

Katie smiled in return. "I bet he does." She remembered those early days of dating. Everything was so terrifying, but exciting. Katie was starting to feel some anger toward JD that he had ruined this moment for his sister. "I'll talk to your brother," she promised. "I'll explain it to him."

"Thanks, Mom." MJ embraced her in a quick hug before stepping back. "I'll tell you all about it once he's gone." Katie followed MJ's gaze to see that JD had returned.

"That was Uncle Richie," he explained. "Got another job."

"Already?" Katie was sure she would never get used to her son choosing hunting as an occupation.

"Yep. Sorry Mom, no visit this time. I gotta go repack." Katie noticed a mischievous gleam in his eye before he turned to look at his sister. "Wanna come?"

The anger that MJ had been directing at JD all night disappeared instantly replaced by excitement. "Really?"

JD nodded. "As long as Mom thinks it's okay."

"Can I go with him? Please!" MJ begged.

"I thought you hated him," Katie quipped. Hoping a reminder of her too recently disguarded anger would stop her from going.

"Oh that." She waved a hand dismissively toward her brother. "This is a hunt," she explained with true teenage girl logic.

Katie sighed. She was not happy about the idea, but with spring break next week, she couldn't even use school as an excuse. MJ had been on hunts before and while she hated the idea of her daughter on the road, Katie certainly wasn't going to hold MJ to a different standard then she'd held her sons. Damn Sam for being out of town. This was one decision she would have been happy to toss his way.

Katie looked at her son. "You know the rules." JD nodded, but she continued anyway. "She stays in the hotel room, out of danger. Research only."

"Is that a yes?' MJ asked, impatiently.

"Yes, it's a yes."

MJ hugged her. "Thanks, Mom. You're the best." She looked at JD as she was leaving the room. "I'll go get my gun."

"No need to rush," JD called after her. "We don't leave until the morning." But MJ was already gone.

"She's still mad at you, you know." Katie told her son.

He shook his head. "Nope. She's over it."

Katie had to laugh. He was right. They'd probably never even talk about it again. Then she thought about what she'd agreed to and grew somber. "JD- "

"I'll bring her back safe," he interrupted. "Now, I gotta go. A midnight laundry run awaits unless - " he paused and flicked his eyes toward the room off the kitchen.

Sighing she nodded. "Get your stuff."

He placed a quick kiss on her cheek. "Thanks, Mom. You’re the best," he said as he left to collect his things.

"So everyone keeps telling me," she quipped.


katie collins (oc), immortal!dean, supernatural, spawnfic, mj winchester (oc), my fic, robbie winchester (oc), jd winchester (oc)

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