Leverage and Psych have had their season finales and the TV addict in me is very sad to have to wait until summer for these shows to return. Given that, I thought it might be time to do one of my summaries about the shows I’m watching and hear what y’all have to say about TV in general.
I will emphasize that if you aren’t watching Leverage you are missing one of the best shows on TV!
Opinions are under the cut in case anything constitutes Spoilers
Leverage: My love for this show knows no bounds and the season finale was incredibly satisfying. It was obvious from the way it ended that it could have the the series finale if the show wasn’t picked up. Thank goodness the people at TNT have brains (unlike FOX and ABC and CBS…)
So many good lines! Nate incredulous that Eliot is fixing his hair to go meet Maggie was hilarious. (Eliot better not be cutting his hair - the hair is so very pretty); Maggie’s sly dissing of Nate’s sexual prowess before revealing she knows Nate is watching followed by Eliot’s “I feel used”. But the best moment may be Parker sniffing Maggie and then patting her on the head calling her adorable. This episode balanced the funny with the angst of Nate finally telling Maggie why their son died. As for the con - one of their best. And Nate relying on Badger Sterling being a unmitigated bastard was a perfect exchange.
The look on Nate’s face as the episode ended let’s us know they aren’t really walking away. Summer can not come fast enough
Psych : This season finale may have been my favorite episode of the series to date. I like it when we see Shawn maturing by bits and pieces and having to balance his wit with his angst over his mom was just a great. Go Gus, stepping up and acting the fool to help Shawn. The bit with the airplane was hilarious especially when Shawn tells him he was on fire for using props. Their friendship is just so terrific. I was a little upset that they finally have Jules admitting she likes Shawn only to have it be the worst timing ever. OTOH they can’t get these two together just yet and Abigail is just the kind of roadblock needed to keep our OTP apart.
NCIS : Gibbs on horse back, camping out and firing a rifle - seriously what else do I have to say. I enjoy seeing men on horses way too much. On the down side: they are making Tony so very annoying. I haven’t checked but there must be one writer who goes to town with the movie references and it becomes very distracting - Though I have to admit I did enjoy the Mongo/beans shout out. The whole rich uncle thing was just annoying. I did enjoying knowing that Abby does help out other NCIS agents - i often wondered if whe was assigned exclusively to Gibbs. OTOH - she can't possibly be the only forensic tech for all of NCIS - can she?
And a familiar face to the Scifi crowd, Delenn, Danielle Mira Furlan - Dina - plays the suspicious woman with a gun, whose name starts with “d” - she’s very good at that. NCIS is still the best procedural on TV, IMHO.
Chuck : The campy spy antics are still sharp. It is amazing to me how they are able to use everyone in this cast and give them something significant to do in most episodes. Jeff and Lester crack me up. Awesome and Ellie are just the cutest couple. I thought it was great that instead of being angry Morgan actually understands why Chuck humiliated him - this character is growing up and becoming worthy of Anna
I thought it was great the way they showed that Sarah really has no concept of friendship or what Morgan means to Chuck. Jayne Casey is awesome as always - really that man is hilarious.
Dollhouse : Sorry I don’t like this show. Where is the Whedon wit and snarky attitude? It doesn’t feel like a Joss show. But even more upsetting then that and the thing that infuriates me is that Eliza is playing a prostitute. Dress it up anyway you want, these “dolls” are being sold as sex slaves. They have no choice and they have to sleep with whom ever asks. I find this concept completely squicky. I doubt I will be watching any more - even the temptation of half naked Helo Tahmoh Penikett is not worth it But hey isn’t that Badger Mark Sheppard playing an FBI agent.
Supernatural has been renewed for a 5th season so of course this makes me do the happy dance. I am only concerned with how much darker this show can get. It’s not like I expect Dean to settle down with Chloe and have 2.5 kids in the suburbs (ok maybe I do ) but seriously would a happy ending even be possible. Dean’s already said he expects it to end bloody and I fear Kripke agrees. Also, I am very worried about Bobby. There is supposed to be a major character death at the end of the season - since we know it isn’t Dean and Sam (again) - it has to be Bobby. I just hope I’m wrong because Bobby is made of awesome and the show wouldn’t be the same without him.
Smallville I know I said I was done before but this time I mean it - I haven’t watched a full episode since Lana came back. (Ok I admit I did watch 'Legion' and it was actually a good episode - if you ignore all the Lana worship) Seriously, why is it this show can get away with creating the ultimate Mary Sue and the producers don’t notice. Lana is a martial arts expert, a better hacker than Chloe, historically significant to the Legion and now she’s got all of Clark’s powers plus a kryptonite infection - give me a break next thing you know she’ll be running the JLA while curing world hunger. And don't get me started on Chloe and Jimmy. I still rant about Samllville but I no longer watch.
Heroes I don’t even know where to begin. This show has flopped around so much I’m not even sure which characters are still in the cast. And that ending on Monday - Parkman might blow up DC. *rolls eyes*. Let’s see they started the series with the idea that Peter might blow up NY and the show has been downhill since. So they think repeating this story line is a good idea - *smacks them*
Big Bang Theory - easily the best comedy on TV. Christine Baranski as Leonard’s Mom was just terrific. I laugh from beginning to end and realize just how much of a geek I am.
Burn Notice - Hey wasn’t that Badger in the episode two weeks ago trying to rob the bank- Mark Sheppard may be the hardest working man in television right now. Love this show but is it just me or does Fiona need to gain about 20 pounds. She’s starting to look like a Chihuahua when she pulls her hair back. Sam Axe is made of awesome as always
Lost - Yep I am, but I keep watching.
Battlestar Galactica This show leaves me stunned every week. Some of the twists make no sense for weeks and then suddenly the answers are reveled. Still if it wasn’t the end of the series I might have given up on it. It is so dark and everyone is so unhappy - sometimes it just beats me down. But hey wasn’t that Badger on an episode a few weeks back playing a lawyer?
Lie To Me I am enjoying this show. It is very similar to The Mentalist which I could not get into to. I know Simon Baker is adorable but it just wasn’t enough. Tim Roth is just fun to watch and the deciphering of the facial expression is very entertaining. I’m not sure if it will continue to entertain but I’m watching for now.
That’s the round up for today. Still upset about Stargate: Atlantis being canceled especially with that lame finale. Please let me know what you are watching and you thoughts about any show that interests you.
Oh and FYI - Badger was the character Mark Sheppard played in two episodes of Firefly (damn you Fox!!!) and that’s who I still think of every time I see him.