The Fundamental Things Apply - Immortal!Dean Universe

Oct 03, 2008 09:36

Happy Birthday Pen37!!!! About a year ago we joined our two universes together and it was beginning of a beautiful friendship. (Have to make those Casablanca references whenever I can.) So without further chick-flick moments, I give you a little Chlean for your birthday. *hugs*

Title: The Fundamental Things Apply
Author: strangevisitor7
Beta: Clarksmuse
Rated: PG
Fandom: Supernatural, Smallville & Highlander: Immortal!Dean Universe
Characters: Dean Winchester, Richie Ryan, Chloe Sullivan and Methos
Pairing: Dean/Chloe
Prompt: Prompt #95 New Year for crossovers100
Disclaimer: The characters you know and love all belong to their respective creators.

A/N: Other stories in the Immortal!Dean Universe can be found here. For timeline purposes this story takes place shortly after Against Her Will & Gestalt Therapy Courtesy Chloe Sullivan

Summary: Dean has found out Chloe is alive after almost two hundred years but may be stupid enough to let her walk away again.

The Fundamental Things Apply

Dean stood next to Richie as they watched Chloe and Methos head back toward the old man’s ship.

“Dude, are you seriously going to let her fly away again?” Riche stared at his friend. Dean flinched under the accusing gaze.

“Shut up, Richie,” Dean said. “You get no say in any of this. You knew she was alive and you never told me. Some friend you are.”

“You want to be angry with me? Fine!” he snapped. “Hell, you can even shoot me if it’ll make you feel better. But you know damn well why I kept her secret and you would have done the same if she’d asked.”

Dean fingered the gun in his waist band as he considered Richie's offer. “Maybe later,” he said. “Still think you should have told me.”

“Wasn’t going to happen.” Richie shook his head. “You know I’d never betray that kind of trust.”

“I really hate that you’re right about that,” Dean sighed. “And I guess I can’t really shoot you over it either.”

Richie smiled “Good, so no shooting me, but I may shoot you if you don’t get your ass over there and tell her how you feel.” Richie gestured toward the retreating figures.

Dean let out a forced chuckle. “What the hell are you talking about, Rich? I knew the woman for six months centuries ago. We were friends. That’s all,” Dean insisted, as much to convince Richie as himself.

Richie raised an eye brow as he studied the other Immortal. “Seriously, that’s your story?”

“Don’t look at me like that.”

“You pined over that woman for decades, Dean. I am not going to hang around while you cry in your beer this time.”

“I did not pine over some chick I barely knew,” he insisted weakly. “I just - “

“Save it.” Richie held up a hand and shook his head. “You are such an idiot. Are we gonna do this again? Really? Because this is your last chance before I go make my move.”

Dean glared at his friend. “Bitch.” He snapped and headed off to talk to Chloe, if only to shut Richie up.

“Hey Chloe,” Dean shouted as he jogged toward where she and Methos were talking in front of his ship.

“Oh look, he’s made a decision,” Methos whispered as Dean approached. “Seriously, this is the guy you missed from all those years ago?”

“Behave,” she said quietly and gave Methos a little shove. “I thought you and Dean were friends?”

“Define ‘friends’,” Methos quipped.

She rolled her eyes at the Immortal before turning to face Dean.

“Chloe, got a minute?” Dean asked as he stopped beside her.

“Well?” She looked back at Methos, who smiled and leaned against the ramp opening to the ship.

“Please don’t mind me or the schedule I have to keep. I’m sure what ever Dean wants is much more important.”

Dean made a face at Methos and grabbed Chloe’s arm, dragging away from the old man's hearing.

Chloe allowed herself to be pulled along for all of five seconds before yanking her arm away. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Chloe snapped.

“I wanted to talk to you,” he said, surprise at her anger etched on his face.

“Talk, yes. Manhandle, no.”

“I wasn’t trying to -” Dean stopped and groaned. “You know what? Never mind. Go have fun with the old man. I’m sure he’s more your type anyway.”

“Oh no, you don’t get to blame Methos because you can’t express yourself coherently in public.”

“Why do you have to make everything so difficult? You disappear for centuries and now I’m the bad guy.”

“It was for your own protection.”

“Do I look like a damsel in distress to you? I didn’t ask you to protect me,” Dean growled as he stepped closer to her. “If anything, you should have let me protect you.”

Chloe’s eyes narrowed and she folded her arms across her chest to keep him at a distance. “Did you have anything less misogynistic that you wanted to share? Because I’m starting to remember why we never got together in the 21st century.”

“We never got together because you lied to me; because you didn’t trust me.”

“I - I meant well,” she said lamely as she looked up at him. Her defensive stance relaxed as she flopped her arms back to her sides. “It really did seem like a good idea at the time. I guess I may have taken the protection concept too far.”

“Yeah, just a little,” he said with a smug smile. “See, this is so not my fault.” He reached out to push a wayward strand of hair from her forehead.

Chloe stood still allowing him to touch her. They stared into each other’s eyes until she finally looked away. Clearing her throat, she asked, “You had something you want to tell me?”

Dean hooked a finger under her chin and forced her to meet his gaze again. “More like something I wanted to give you.”

A look of confusion crossed Chloe’s face which was gone in an instant when Dean leaned in to capture her lips with his. It was gentle, almost tentative. He didn’t want to scare her away after all this time. He pulled back and dropped his finger from her chin.

She licked her lips and smiled. “You got any more with that came from?” she asked a wicked gleam in her eye.

He looked down at her with an equally mischievous grin. “You said no manhandling.”

Chloe laughed. “Changed my mind.”

Dean wasted no time in grabbing her around the waist and pulling her close as he dove in for a passionate kiss. Chloe flung her arms around his neck as her fingers ranged across his short hair. They were breathless when they finally broke apart.

“Stay,” he poured all his hopes into that one word.

She bit her bottom lip and nodded. “Yes, I’ll stay.”

Dean let out a whoop of joy as he picked her up and twirled her around.

When Dean set Chloe down, she grabbed his hand and dragged him back to where Methos and Richie were waiting.

Before Chloe could say a word, Methos reached out to hug her. “Be happy,” he whispered in her ear before releasing her.

Methos then pointed a finger at Dean. “Break her heart and I’ll take your head.”

Dean gave him a mock salute in acknowledgment of the threat.

“I’ll just get my stuff,” she said gesturing toward the ship.

“I’ll help,” Dean said as he followed her up the ramp.

They watched Chloe and Dean disappear into the bowels of the ship.

“About damn time,” Richie said.

“If you say so,” Methos groused. “All I know is I’m alone again without my favorite mechanic.”

“You know, Methos, with Chloe staying here and taking up all of Dean’s time, I wouldn’t mind getting away,” Richie said. “I’m a pretty good mechanic too.”

Methos smiled at his friend as he thought about the offer. “Why not?” Methos said as he clapped the younger Immortal on the shoulder. “Welcome aboard.”

richie ryan, immortal!dean, dean winchester, supernatural, methos, crossovers100, highlander, my fic, chloe sullivan, smallville

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