Feb 24, 2015 21:29
DAY ONE: Assess your living situation and make some goals. Determine which areas of your home need a little bit of TLC. Is your closet in need of organizing? Are you scared to open your fridge because of what might or might not be inside? Do you have a guest bedroom that has become just an extra room for "stuff"? Have you looked closely under your kitchen cabinets lately? It's cool. We've all been there, we have all at one point or another neglected our home. Now its time to take back control. Make a list of the TOP 5 areas of your home that need immediate attention. *A note to all my housewives and moms of the world, you have the gift of being the homemaker, whether you like it or not. It's an honor to be the one who runs a household and its your contribution to the lives of your family. Today, I want you to give yourself a big hug for this incredible role. You run the world!
Okay. Let's do this.
1. Pantry
2. Refrigerator
3. Craft room
4. Closet
5. Laundry room
6. Bonus: Under the bathroom sink
(wait, just because these areas need immediate attention, doesn't mean I have to give it, right????)