NPR Fan Fiction

Feb 03, 2010 23:51

CARL: From NPR and Chicago Public Radio, this is Wait Wait Don't Tell Me, the NPR news quiz. I'm Carl Kasell, and here's your host at the Chase Bank Auditorium in downtown Chicago: Peter Sagal!

PETER: Thanks, Carl! Hello, everyone! We're going to be cutting our show a little short today, because, as you may have heard, there's an apocalypse happening! But we didn't let the election of Barack Obama stop us, and we're not going to let the zombie hordes stop us either. After the show today, myself, Carl, and the panelists will be taking our families to the secret underground NPR bunker, and no, you can't come. I bet you wish you'd donated more during that last pledge drive!

Hat tip to sumatrae

weird, funny

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